XP 3 200
Mâle race bonus language ~ modern human language ifrit sorcerer 8
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception -1
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +4 Dex)
hp 46 (8d6+12)Resist fire 10
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks elemental ray (1d6+4, 10/day)
Innate Spell-Like Abilities: dancing lights ( 3/day)4th (4/day)—wall of fire
3rd (7/day)—ash storm, fireball (DC 21), protection from energy
2nd (8/day)—burning arc (keleshite) (DC 20), flaming sphere (DC 20), pyrotechnics (DC 19), scorching ray
1st (8/day)—burning disarm (DC 18), crafter's fortune, mage armor, snapdragon fireworks (DC 18), touch of combustion (DC 19), burning hands (DC 19)
0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, flare (DC 18), light, mage hand, mending, read magic, spark (DC 18)
Feats Eschew Materials, Firesight, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Specialization (Evocation) (Fireball), Varisian Tattoo
Skills Bluff +11 , Craft (Weapons) +12 , Diplomacy +8 , Escape Artist +6 , Intimidate +11 , Knowledge (Arcana) +6 , Knowledge (Planes) +5 , Knowledge (Religion) +2 , Ride +5 , Spellcraft +11 , Use Magic Device +15
Languages Common, Ignan, Kelish
SQ bloodline arcana, cantrips, confirmed field agent, contraband dividends, day at the auction, dragonfoe, dragon slayer, explore report cooperate, fire affinity, forge-hardened, friend of the green, honored by the twilight talons, kassen's blessing, koboldfriend, primal (wildblooded elemental) bloodline (fire), ragario, resistance to fire 10, scalefriend, wildfire heart
Combat Gear alchemist's fire (flask) (2), smokestick (2), flash powder, elixir of hiding, scroll (spider climb), scroll (invisibility); Other Gear masterwork dagger, alchemist's fire (flask) (2), flash powder, headband of alluring charisma +4, ring of protection +1, belt of incredible dexterity +2, cloak of resistance +2, lesser elemental (acid) metamagic rod, wand of cure light wounds (10), wand of cure light wounds, wand of mage armor, outfit (scholar's), belt pouch, backpack, masterwork, waterskin, artisan's tools (weaponsmithing/masterwork), wrist sheath, spring loaded, wrist sheath, spring loaded, scroll case
Arcane Temper You have quick reactions and fierce concentration. You gain a +1 trait bonus on concentration and initiative checks.
Attuned to the Citysong Every city has an underlying beat, and you are attuned to the musical cues that change subtly to reflect nearby events. At the start of an adventure, you may select a settlement that has at least 1,000 inhabitants. For the duration of the adventure, you gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (local), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks while within the limits of the selected settlement. If you select Magnimar as your settlement of choice, increase this bonus to +2. Once you have used this boon, cross it off the Chronicle sheet.
Bloodline Arcana Whenever you cast a spell with the fire descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.
Cantrips You learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spells, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.
Confirmed Field Agent Having successfully completed and documented your Confirmation, one of the Three Masters has formally recognized you as a field agent and given you a wayfinder engraved with your name and the date of your graduation. If this is the first time you have received this boon for any of your characters, you receive this wayfinder for free; otherwise, you may acquire it by spending 1 Prestige Point. Furthermore, if you assign this Chronicle sheet to a character whose starting XP is 0, you reduce the Prestige Point cost of any wayfinder enhancement vanities you purchase to modify this wayfinder by 1 (minimum 1).
Confirmed Field Agent Having successfully completed and documented your COnfirmation, one of the Three Masters has formally recognized you as a field agent and given you a wayfinder engraved with your name and the date of your graduation. If this is the first time you have received this boon for nay of your characters, you received this wayfinder for free; otherwise, you may acquire it by spending 1 Prestige Point. Furthermore, if you assign this Chronicle sheet to a character whose starting XP is 0, you reduce the Prestige Point cost of any wayfinder enhancement vanities you purchase to modify this wayfinder by 1 (minimum 1).
Contraband Dividends You ensured that a valuable shipment of contraband antiquities were able to enter Absalom through the sewers without kobolds causing any problems. As a result, you receive a single item of no more than 150 gp from among the non-relic bits of the cargo. You must select this item now and reflect its purchase on this Chronicle sheet.
Current Prestige Points (20x) The character has 20 current prestige points.
Darkvision (Ex) Range 60 ft.; Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature. Darkvision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise-invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision.
Day at the Auction [__] During the auction of the Hunclay estate, you bid on and won an exceptionally rare item. When you purchase (not upgrade) one magic item, you may treat your Fame score as though it were 3 higher to determine your maximum item cost. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
Dragonfoe [__] The Crypt of Tula held more than just dragon-slaying weapons and powerful armor; it also housed the spirit of Tula, which granted you a blessing for your imminent confrontation. You may use this boon to reroll either one attack roll against a dragon or one caster level check to overcome a dragon's spell resistance. If you are using a weapon, spell, or item that grants a specific benefit when used against dragons (e.g. a dragonbane longsword), you gain a +2 insight bonus on the reroll. The reroll must be made before the results of the original roll are known, and you must take the second result even if it is lower. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
Dragon Slayer With the help of your allies and bearing enchanted dragon slaying tools, you slayed the dragon Aeteperax and saved the town of Belhaim, and this has granted you the confidence to combat other scaled terrors. The next time you encounter a true dragon, you gain a permanent +2 bonus on Reflex saves against the breath weapon of dragons of that type (blue, red, silver, etc.), as well as a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against that type of dragon. When you determine this type of dragon write its type on the line below. If you wear dragonhide armor of the associated dragon type, these bonuses against that type of dragon increase by 1.
Elemental Pupil (Fire) You have studied at the feet of the masters of Katheer's colleges of magic, and so increased your own mastery of the elements. Choose one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. When casting a spell of 1st level or higher that deals damage of your chosen energy type, the spell deals 1 extra point of damage of this type.
Elemental Ray (Sp) You can unleash an elemental ray as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d6+4 points of fire damage You can use this ability 10 times per day.
Eschew Materials
Explore, Report, Cooperate You have an excellent sense ofwhat makes an exemplary Pathfinder- As a free or immediate action, you may consider whetber a particular action you name-such as subduiug but not killiug an enemF, befriending aa NPC, or recoverirg a particular item*would help realize the goals of the Pathfinder Society. The GM then informs you whether the action's impact would be positive (contributes to meeting a secondary success condition for the sceuario), negative (opposes the secondary success condition), or negligible (neither contributes to oor opposes the secondaxy success condition). If none of these three options accurately reflects the action’s impact on the PC fulfillment of the secondary success conditions, the GM may respond with a phrase of five words or less. Once you use this boon, cross it of your Chronicle sheet.
Explore Report Cooperate [__] You have an excellent sense of what makes an exemplary Pathfinder. As a free or immediate action, you may consider whether a particular action you name - such as subduing but not killing an enemy, befriending an NPC, or recovering a particular item - would help realize the goals of the Pathfinder Society. The GM then informs you whether the action's impact would be positive (contributes to meeting the secondary success condition for the scenario), negative (opposes the secondary success condition), or negligible (neither contributes to nor opposes the secondary success condition). If none of these three options accurately reflects the action's impact on the PC's fulfillment of the secondary success conditions, the GM may respond with a phrase of five words or less. Once you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
Fame (30x) The character has accumulated 30 Fame. He has a +3 to Diplomacy with members of his faction. Maximum Item Cost: 11,750 gp
Fire Affinity (Ex) Ifrit sorcerers with the elemental (fire) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Ifrit spellcasters with the Fire domain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
Forge-Hardened (Ex) Gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (Armor) and Craft (Weapons) checks, and saves to resist fatigue and exhaustion.
Friend of Janira Gavix The field agent who oversaw your Confirmation is appreciative of your bravery and camaraderie in the face of danger. She helps you perform research, granting you a +1 bonus on Knowledge checks attempted while you are in the Grand Lodge.
Friend of the Green [__] [__] [__] Although he was initially skeptical that you could slay Aeteperax, the druid Azmur Kell has professed his gratitude to you for saving him and his family. He owes you several favors, and you may call in a favor when performing one of the skills below to use Azmur's skill modifier instead of your own as he assists you. Alternatively, Azmur can cast a spell as though he shared your space, though any attacks of opportunity he provokes for spellcasting damage you (they still force him to make a concentration check). Using any of the skill-based or spellcasting favors requires your spending the time or actions to perform the task yourself. You may use the favors listed below in any combination, checking off one box each time you ask for help. When you check the last box, Azmur's debt has been repaid; cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.
* Cast barkskin (CL 8th; concentration +11)
* Cast cure serious wounds (CL 8th; concentration +11)
* Cast remove disease (CL 8th; concentration +11)
* Knowledge (nature) +13
Honored by the Twilight Talons For having assisted Whispershade in investigating Othine's disappearance, you receive the commendation of Major Colson Maldris. If you are a member of the Andoran faction, you may treat your Fame score as 5 higher when qualifying for and purchasing Andoran faction vanities from page 14 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide. If you are not a member of the Andoran faction, you may now purchase Andoran faction vanities that require 20 Fame or less. So long as you have the Eagle Knight vanity, you may treat yourself as a member of the Andoran faction when qualifying for prestige classes.
Kassen's Blessing [__] You carry a small charm from the spirit of Kassen. You may reroll a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check after the roll is made but before the results are revealed. You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse. Once this ability has been used, cross it off the Chronicle.
Kassen’s Blessing You carry a small charm from the spirit of Kassen. You may reroll a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check after the roll is made but before the results are revealed. You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse. Once this ability has been used, cross it off the Chronicle.
Koboldfriend You negotiated a truce between the Pathfinder Society and Yiddlepode of the Sewer Dragon tribe. As part of the bargain, she gave you a token of kobold. When worn about your neck (occupying the neck magic item slot), the token grants you a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checks with humanoids of the reptilian subtype.
Artisan's Shop Artisan's Shop (5 PP): Your craft is your livelihood when you aren't excavating musty tombs or exploring uncharted lands. You sell your wares through an unassuming storefront in a well-trafficked mercantile district. If you use ranks in any Craft skill to calculate your bonus on Day Job checks, having an artisan's shop grants you a +1 circumstance bonus on all such checks. Additionally, you receive a 5% discount on all nonmagical merchandise in your area of expertise when purchasing it in the same city as your shop, rounded to the nearest gold piece.
Confirmed Field Agent (Wayfinder) The boon with the 1 PP to get the Wayfinder.
Master of Trade (Qadira Faction) Master of Trade (Qadira, Fame 20, 4 PP) Using faction contacts and mercantile experience, you can always get yourself the best deal when buying goods. Once per game session, you may make any single purchase you could normally make at a 10% discount. This discount is not available on spellcasting services or material components.
Primal (Wildblooded Elemental) Bloodline (Fire) Your powers are attuned to the concentrated core of the elemental plane.
Ragario You cast spells from the evocation school at +1 caster level. Additionally, you gain dancing lights as a spell-like ability usable 3/day.
Resistance to Fire (Ex) You may ignore 10 points of Fire damage each time you take fire damage.
Scalefriend [__] [__] [__] You were fortunate to encounter and aid the kobold Nighttail, who helped you to neutralize the Blood Vow tribe. She still owes you a good turn or two, and you may call in a favor when performing one of the skills below to use Nighttail's skill modifier instead of your own as she assists you. Alternatively, Nighttail can cast a spell as though she shared your space, though any attacks of opportunity she provokes for spellcasting damage you (they still force her to make a concentration check). Using any of the skill-based or spellcasting favors requires your spending the time or actions to perform the task yourself. You may use the favors listed below in any combination, checking off one or more boxes each time you ask for help. When you check the last box, Nighttail's debt has been repaid; cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.
* Handle Animal +7
* Survival +10
* Bluff +9
* Cast resist energy (CL 1st, concentration +2)
* Nighttail and Hak (The Dragon's Demand 14-15) fight alongside you for one encounter in The Dragon's Demand module. You may use this boon at the beginning of combat or at the start of a combat round. Nighttail and Hak begin combat adjacent to you or in the closest available square, and they act on their own initiative. The pair have a starting attitude of helpful and follow your commands to the best of their abilities, but they are GM-controlled NPCs; a GM may grant you direct control at his or her discretion. If Nighttail and/or Hak die during the encounter, cross the entire boon off your Chronicle sheet. (2 boxes)
Urban Tenacity Your work is never done, and a near-death experience is never enough to keep you down. As an immediate action when you are reduced to negative hit points and dying, you automatically stabilize. If you use this ability while in the community you chose as part of the Attuned to the Citysong boon, you also receive a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for the remainder of the encounter. Once you use this boon, cross it off the Chronicle sheet.
Wildfire Heart (Ex) Gain a +4 racial bonus on initiative.