WT. |
Small Darkwood Longbow +1
((Longbow +1 (Small)), 10 hp/inch, hardness 5)
Ring of Protection +1
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2
+1 Mithral Shirt (Small)
(30 hp/inch, hardness 15)
Outfit (Explorer's/Small)
Wand of Read Magic
(You can decipher magical inscriptions on objects--books, scrolls, weapons, and the like--that would otherwise be unintelligible.)
Handy Haversack
Handy Haversack
Thieves' Tools (Masterwork)
Handy Haversack
Wand of Detect Magic
(You detect magical auras.)
Handy Haversack
Paper (Sheet)
(hardness 0, 1 hit point, and break DC 5)
Handy Haversack
Wand of Cure Light Wounds
(When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8+1/level, max 5 points of damage.)
Handy Haversack
Ink (1 oz. Vial)
Handy Haversack
Acid (Flask)
(Thrown splash weapon see p.202, Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the acid hits takes 1 point of acid damage from the splash.)
Handy Haversack
Alchemist's Fire (Flask)
(Thrown splash weapon see p.202, Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage.)
Handy Haversack
Flint and Steel
Handy Haversack
Wand of Endure Elements
(A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment.)
Handy Haversack
(creates 10ft cube of smoke as per fog cloud)
Handy Haversack
Handy Haversack
Antitoxin (Vial)
(+5 alchemical bonus to Fortitude saves against poison for 1 hour)
Handy Haversack
Rope (Hemp/50 ft.)
Handy Haversack
WT. |
Waterskin (Filled) (Small)
Handy Haversack
Vermin Repellent
(Swarms of vermin smaller than Tiny must make a successful DC 15 Fortitude saving throwin order to enter your square.)
Handy Haversack
Climber's Kit (Small)
Handy Haversack
Tracking Powder
(Reveals tracks; gives +10 on Survival tracks or allows tracking untrained using Perception)
Handy Haversack
Scroll (Jump)
Handy Haversack
Bullet, Sling (Small)
Handy Haversack
Arrows (20/Small/Cold Iron)
(30 hp/inch, hardness 10)
Handy Haversack
Healer's Kit
Handy Haversack
Grappling Hook, Common
Handy Haversack
Potion of Spider Climb
(Climb and travel on vertical surfaces for 30 minutes)
Handy Haversack
(+2 circumstance bonus to Strength checks to force open a door or chest)
Handy Haversack
Arrow (Blunt) (Small)
Handy Haversack
Arrow (Small/Cold Iron/Ghost Blanch)
(Ghost Blanch applied, (Arrow (Small)), 30 hp/inch, hardness 10)
Handy Haversack
Arrow (Small/Cold Iron)
(30 hp/inch, hardness 10)
Handy Haversack
(light at will, +2 competence to Survival (avoid becoming lost), can contain an ioun stone)
Pouch (Belt) (Small)
Masterwork Small Longsword
((Masterwork Longsword (Small)))
Masterwork Buckler (Small)
(Applies a -1 to hit to Two-Handed Weapon, or Off-hand held weapon.)
Sling (Small)
Wand of Entangle
(This spell causes tall grass, weeds, and other plants to wrap around foes in the area of effect or those that enter the area.)
Handy Haversack
20,38 lbs. |
15893.05 gp |
Light |
25 |
Medium |
50 |
Heavy |
75 |
Unspent Funds = 1858.0 |
Masterwork Small Longsword
5 ft.
1H-P |
1H-O |
2H |
2W-P-(OH) |
2W-P-(OL) |
2W-OH |
Bonus |
Dam |
Special Properties |
(Masterwork Longsword (Small))
Masterwork Buckler (Small)
0 ft.
Applies a -1 to hit to Two-Handed Weapon, or Off-hand held weapon.
Sling (Small)
Range |
30 ft.'
50 ft.'
100 ft.'
150 ft.'
200 ft.'
Bonus |
Dam |
1d3+1 |
1d3 |
1d3 |
1d3 |
1d3 |
Ammunition Used
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ |
Special Properties
1H-P: One handed, primary hand. 1H-O: One handed, off hand. 2H: Two handed. 2W-P-(OH): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is heavy). 2W-P-(OL): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is light). 2W-OH:2 weapons, off hand. |
Common, Halfling, Kelish
Aldori Dueling Sword, Amentum, Atlatl, Axe (Throwing), Bardiche, Battle Aspergillum, Battle Poi, Battleaxe, Bayonet, Bec de Corbin, Bill, Blade Boot, Blowgun, Boar Spear, Brass Knuckles, Broadsword (Nine Ring), Butterfly Sword, Cestus, Chakram, Club, Combat Scabbard, Crossbow (Heavy), Crossbow (Light), Dagger, Dagger (Punching), Dart, Dogslicer, Double Chicken Saber, Earth Breaker, Falchion, Flail, Flail (Heavy), Flambard, Gaff, Garrote, Gauntlet, Gauntlet (Spiked), Gladius, Glaive, Glaive-Guisarme, Grapple, Greataxe, Greatclub, Greatsword, Guisarme, Hair, Halberd, Hammer (Light), Hanbo, Handaxe, Hooked Lance, Horsechopper, Hunga Munga, Iron Brush, Javelin, Jutte, Katana, Kerambit, Klar, Kukri, Lance, Longbow, Longspear, Longsword, Lucerne Hammer, Lungchuan Tamo, Mace (Heavy), Mace (Light), Mattock, Mere Club, Monk's Spade, Morningstar, Naginata, Nodachi, Ogre Hook, Pick (Heavy), Pick (Light), Pilum, Poisoned Sand Tube, Quarterstaff, Ranseur, Rapier, Rhoka, Rhomphaia, Rock, Rope Gauntlet, Sansetsukon, Sap, Scimitar, Scizore, Scythe, Sea-Knife, Shang Gou, Shieldbash, Shortbow, Shortspear, Sibat, Sickle, Sling, Sling Glove, Sling Staff (Halfling), Spear, Spear (Boar), Spells (Ray), Spells (Touch), Spiked Armor, Splash Weapon, Stake, Starknife, Stingchuck, Switchblade Knife, Sword (Bastard), Sword (Short), Sword (Tri-Point Double-Edged), Sword Cane, Syringe spear, Tepoztopilli, Terbutje, Terbutje (Great), Tiger Fork, Tonfa, Trident, Tube Arrow Shooter, Unarmed Strike, Underwater Crossbow (Heavy), Underwater Crossbow (Light), War Razor, Waraxe (Dwarven), Warhammer, Wushu Dart
Traits |
Indomitable Faith |
[Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.328] |
You were born in a region where your faith was not popular, yet you never abandoned it. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves as a result.
Whistleblower (Liberty's Edge Faction) |
[Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play] |
You are wise to the schemes of liars, thieves, and cheats, granting you a +1 bonus on Sense Motive checks, and that skill becomes a class skill for you.
Fleet Charge
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to move up to your speed. At any point during this movement, you can make a single melee or ranged attack at your highest attack bonus, adding your tier to the attack roll. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round. Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction. |
Humanoid (Human)
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.64] |
You gain a +4 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks when using these skills against humans. Likewise, you get a +4 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against such creatures. You may make Knowledge Skill checks untrained to identify such creatures. |
Outsider (Evil)
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.64] |
You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks when using these skills against evil outsiders. Likewise, you get a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against such creatures. You may make Knowledge Skill checks untrained to identify such creatures. |
Prestige Awards |
Current Prestige Points (16x)
[Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p.22] |
The character has 16 current prestige points. |
Fame (28x)
[Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p.9] |
The character has accumulated 28 Fame. He has a +2 to Diplomacy with members of his faction. Maximum Item Cost: 329000 gp |
Free purchase up to 750 gp (6x)
[Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p.3] |
Free purchase up to 750 gp (2 PP) |
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Amazing Initiative
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
At 2nd tier, you gain a bonus on initiative checks equal to your mythic tier. In addition, as a free action on your turn, you can expend one use of mythic power to take an additional standard action during that turn. This additional standard action can't be used to cast a spell. You can't gain an extra action in this way more than once per round. |
Animal Companion
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.51] |
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
Unparalleled in combat, the champion stands triumphant on the battlefield, surrounded by bruised and broken foes. The abilities of the champion allow him to deliver strikes more accurately, perform astounding combat maneuvers, and move effortlessly around the battlefield. Characters with a high Strength score will find this path extremely useful, as will those with a high Constitution score. The path of the champion is suitable for characters who rely on martial arms and combat maneuvers. |
Combat Style Feat
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.65] |
At 2nd level, a ranger must select one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two weapon combat. The ranger's expertise manifests in the form of bonus feats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level. He can choose feats from his selected combat style, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites. If the ranger selects archery, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Rapid Shot. At 6th level, he adds Improved Precise Shot and Manyshot to the list. At 10th level, he adds Pinpoint Targeting and Shot on the Run to the list. If the ranger selects two-weapon combat, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Double Slice, Improved Shield Bash, Quick Draw, and Two-Weapon Fighting. At 6th level, he adds Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Defense to the list. At 10th level, he adds Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and Two- Weapon Rend to the list. The benefits of the ranger's chosen style feats apply only when he wears light, medium, or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style feats when wearing heavy armor. Once a ranger selects a combat style, it cannot be changed. |
Display of Dexterity
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt a feat of Dexterity, gaining a +20 circumstance bonus on one Dexterity-based skill check or Dexterity ability check. |
Favored Terrain (Urban)
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.65] |
You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks when using these skills in urban terrain (buildings, streets, and sewers). Likewise, you get a +2 bonus on initiative checks when in this terrain. If you desire, you leave no trail in this terrain and cannot be tracked. |
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.26] |
Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Halfling Luck. |
Halfling Luck
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.26] |
Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws. |
Hard to Kill
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
Whenever you're below 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If you have an ability that allows you to act while below 0 hit points, you still lose hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes you to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, you don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score. |
Keen Senses
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.26] |
Halflings receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks. |
Mythic Power
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
Mythic characters can draw upon a wellspring of power to accomplish amazing deeds and cheat fate. This power is used by a number of different abilities. Each day, you can expend an amount of mythic power equal to 3 plus double your mythic tier (5/day at 1st tier, 7/day at 2nd, etc.). This amount is your maximum amount of mythic power. If an ability allows you to regain uses of your mythic power, you can never have more than this amount. [Currently at 9/day] |
Mythic Spellcasting
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
You can learn a number of mythic spells equal to your tier and can expend mythic power when casting them to enhance the results. To select a mythic spell, you must be able to cast the non-mythic version or have it on your list of spells known. Every time you gain a new tier, you can select an additional mythic spell. You can take this ability up to three times. Each additional time you take it, you can select an additional number of spells equal to your tier and you gain one additional mythic spell whenever you gain a tier. |
Mythic Surge
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
You can call upon your mythic power to overcome difficult challenges. You can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll you just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll. |
Mythic Tier 01
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
You have reached Mythic Tier 1 |
Mythic Tier 02
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
You have reached Mythic Tier 2 |
Mythic Tier 03
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
You have reached Mythic Tier 3 |
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
Your deadly attacks are far more likely to hit their target than those of others. Whenever you make a full attack, your attack bonus on the additional attacks you gain by having a high base attack bonus is 5 higher. This ability can't give any of these attacks a higher attack bonus than your base attack bonus. For example, a 12th-level fighter normally has a base attack bonus of +12/+7/+2; with this ability, his base attack bonus is +12/+12/+7. This ability doesn't reduce the penalties from two-weapon fighting or other situational penalties on attack rolls (such as Combat Expertise, Power Attack, fighting defensively, or harmful conditions). You can select this ability more than once. Each time you select it, the attack bonus on additional attacks increases by another 5. |
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
At 3rd tier, you are restored to full hit points after 8 hours of rest so long as you aren't dead. In addition, by expending one use of mythic power and resting for 1 hour, you regain a number of hit points equal to half your full hit points (up to a maximum of your full hit points) and regain the use of any class features that are limited to a certain number of uses per day (such as barbarian rage, bardic performance, spells per day, and so on). This rest is treated as 8 hours of sleep for such abilities. This rest doesn't refresh uses of mythic power or any mythic abilities that are limited to a number of times per day. |
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.26] |
Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb skill checks. |
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.64] |
You gain +3 to Survival checks made to follow tracks. |
Weapon Familiarity
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.26] |
Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word "halfling" in its name as a martial weapon. |
Wild Empathy
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.50/64] |
You can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. You roll 1d20+6 to determine the Wild Empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use Wild Empathy, you and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal circumstances. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. You can use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but you take a -4 penalty on the check. |
Deadly Aim |
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.121] |
You can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by pinpointing a foe's weak spot, at the expense of making the attack less likely to succeed. |
You can choose to take a -2 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +4 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. |
Deadly Aim (Mythic) |
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
Increase damage bonus |
When you use Deadly Aim, you gain a +3 bonus on ranged damage rolls instead of +2. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the bonus on ranged damage rolls increases by +3 rather than +2. |
Endurance |
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.112] |
Harsh conditions or long exertions do not easily tire you. |
You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold your breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued. |
Improved Precise Shot |
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.128] |
Your ranged attacks ignore anything but total concealment and cover. |
Your ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. Total cover and total concealment provide their normal benefits against your ranged attacks. |
Point-Blank Shot |
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.131] |
You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close target. |
You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet. |
Precise Shot |
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.131] |
You are adept at firing ranged attacks into melee. |
You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard -4 penalty on your attack roll. |
Rapid Shot |
[Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.132] |
You can make an additional ranged attack. |
When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round. All of your attack rolls take a -2 penalty when using Rapid Shot. |
Rapid Shot (Mythic) |
[Paizo Publishing LLC - Mythic Adventures] |
Ignore the -2 penalty or make two additional attacks |
When using Rapid Shot, you can either ignore the feat's -2 penalty on attack rolls or make two additional attacks instead of one. |
Abundant Ammunition
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: No
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: When cast on a container such as a quiver or a pouch that contains nonmagical ammunition or shuriken [including masterwork ammunition or shuriken], at the start of each round this spell replaces any ammunition taken from the container the round before. The ammunition taken from the container the round before vanishes. If, after casting this spell, you cast a spell that enhances projectiles, such as align weapon or greater magic weapon, on the same container, all projectiles this spell conjures are affected by that spell.
Source: UC p.222
Target Area: one container touched
Caster Level: 3
Air Bubble
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: S, M/DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Air bubble creates a small pocket of breathable air that surrounds the touched creature's head or the touched object. The air bubble allows the creature touched to breathe underwater or in similar airless environments, or protects the object touched from water damage. A firearm within an air bubble can be loaded-assuming the black powder comes from a powder horn, a cartridge, or some other airtight protective device-and fired. When shooting such a firearm underwater, the shot still takes the standard -2 penalty on attack rolls for every 5 feet of water the bullet passes through, in addition to normal penalties due to range. If a firearm within the air bubble explodes, the explosion occurs normally.
Source: UC p.222
Target Area: one creature or one object no larger than a Large twohanded weapon
Caster Level: 3
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 6 hours [D]
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F/DF
SR: No
School: Abjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Alarm creates a subtle ward on an area you select. Once the spell effect is in place, it thereafter sounds a mental or audible alarm each time a creature of Tiny or larger size enters the warded area or touches it. A creature that speaks the password [determined by you at the time of casting] does not set off the alarm. You decide at the time of casting whether the alarm will be mental or audible in nature. Mental Alarm: A mental alarm alerts you [and only you] so long as you remain within 1 mile of the warded area. You note a single mental "ping" that awakens you from normal sleep but does not otherwise disturb concentration. A silence spell has no effect on a mental alarm. Audible Alarm: An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell, and anyone within 60 feet of the warded area can hear it clearly. Reduce the distance by 10 feet for each interposing closed door and by 20 feet for each substantial interposing wall. In quiet conditions, the ringing can be heard faintly as far as 180 feet away. The sound lasts for 1 round. Creatures within a silence spell cannot hear the ringing. Ethereal or astral creatures do not trigger the alarm. Alarm can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source: CR p.240
Target Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on a point in space
Caster Level: 3
Animal Messenger
DC: 13
Save: None; see text
Time: 1 minute
Duration: 1 day/level
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You compel a Tiny animal to go to a spot you designate. The most common use for this spell is to get an animal to carry a message to your allies. The animal cannot be one tamed or trained by someone else, including such creatures as familiars and animal companions. Using some type of food desirable to the animal as a lure, you call the animal to you. It advances and awaits your bidding. You can mentally impress on the animal a certain place well known to you or an obvious landmark. The directions must be simple, because the animal depends on your knowledge and can't find a destination on its own. You can attach a small item or note to the messenger. The animal then goes to the designated location and waits there until the duration of the spell expires, whereupon it resumes its normal activities. During this period of waiting, the messenger allows others to approach it and remove any scroll or token it carries. The intended recipient gains no special ability to communicate with the animal or read any attached message [if it's written in a language he doesn't know, for example].
Source: CR p.241
Target Area: One Tiny animal
Caster Level: 3
Animal Purpose Training
DC: 13
Save: none
Time: 1 minute
Duration: 3 hours
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: yes
School: Enchantment
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You instill the target animal with a general purpose [see the Handle Animal skill], which can be any purpose except combat training-fighting, guarding, heavy labor, hunting, performance, or riding. This purpose supersedes the animal's previous trained purpose and any tricks it knows. When the spell ends, the animal reverts to its previous trained purpose and known tricks.
Source: ACG p.173
Target Area: one indifferent or friendly animal
Caster Level: 3
Ant Haul
DC: 13
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 6 hours
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: The target's carrying capacity triples [see Table 7-4: Carrying Capacity on page 171 of the Core Rulebook]. This does not affect the creature's actual Strength in any way, merely the amount of material it can carry while benefiting from this spell. It also has no effect on encumbrance due to armor. If the creature wears armor it still takes the normal penalties for doing so regardless of how much weight the spell allows it to carry.
Source: APG p.202
Target Area: creature touched
Caster Level: 3
Anticipate Peril
DC: 13
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes or until activated
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: A creature affected by anticipate peril gains a preternatural sense of danger. The first time during this spell�s duration that the target has to make an initiative check, the creature adds an insight bonus on that initiative check equal to the spell�s caster level 5. Once this bonus applies, the effects of the spell end. Target gains a +3 bonus on one initiative check.
Source: UM p.206
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 3
Aspect of the Falcon
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, DF
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You take on an aspect of a falcon. Your eyes become wide and raptor-like, and you grow feathers on the sides of your head. You gain a +3 competence bonus on Perception checks, a +1 competence bonus on ranged attacks, and the critical multiplier for your bows and crossbows becomes 19-20/x3. This effect does not stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon, such as the Improved Critical feat or a keen weapon.
Source: APG p.203
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Save: Will negates (harmless, object)
Time: 1 swift action
Duration: 3 rounds [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V
SR: Yes (harmless, object)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: The bow that is touched takes on the rigidity and toughness of forged steel, allowing it to be used as a melee weapon. The spell allows a shortbow to be used as a club or a longbow to be used as a quarterstaff, although the bow retains its normal hit points and hardness. The bow's enhancement bonus, if any, applies on melee attack and damage rolls. Additional weapon special weapon qualities also apply to melee attacks if such qualities can be added to a melee weapon.
Source: UC p.224
Target Area: one weapon [bow]
Caster Level: 3
Call Animal
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours [D]
Rng: see description
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: None
School: Enchantment
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell calls the nearest wild animal of a particular type you designate [provided the animal's CR is equal to or less than your caster level] to seek you out. The animal moves toward you under its own power, so the time it takes to arrive depends on how close an animal of the desired type is when you cast the spell. If there is no animal of that type capable of reaching you within the spell's duration, you are aware of this fact, but the spell is wasted. Knowledge of the local fauna makes this spell more effective, and the GM may permit a Knowledge [nature] skill check [DC 15] to know what animals can be found in an area. When the called animal arrives, it approaches to within 5 feet of you and remains nearby for the duration of the spell. Its starting attitude is indifferent, modified by circumstances and interaction. Other than starting attitude, this spell gives you no special influence or ability to communicate with the called animal, although you may use other spells or abilities to do so. Once the spell's duration expires, the animal acts in accordance with its attitude. Most animals will likely wander off, but a hostile predatory animal may attack, especially if it is hungry or provoked. Domesticated animals or animals trained by someone else, including such creatures as familiars or animal companions, are unaffected by call animals.
Source: APG p.209
Target Area: one animal whose CR is equal or less than 3
Caster Level: 3
Calm Animals
DC: 13
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell soothes and quiets animals, rendering them docile and harmless. Only ordinary animals [those with Intelligence scores of 1 or 2] can be affected by this spell. All the subjects must be of the same kind, and no two may be more than 30 feet apart. The maximum number of HD of animals you can affect is equal to 2d4 + caster level. The affected creatures remain where they are and do not attack or flee. They are not helpless and defend themselves normally if attacked. Any threat breaks the spell on the threatened creatures.
Source: CR p.252
Target Area: Animals within 30 ft. of each other
Caster Level: 3
Charm Animal
DC: 13
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell functions like charm person, except that it affects a creature of the animal type.
Source: CR p.254
Target Area: One animal
Caster Level: 3
Cloak of Shade
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell provides the subject with some degree of protection from the harmful effects of the sun. The cloaked subject treats environmental heat due to sun exposure as one level less: severe heat is considered very hot conditions, while very hot is considered average temperature [see page 444 of the Core Rulebook for heat dangers]. The cloak of shade also reduces any penalties from sunlight by 1. The spell does not, however, eliminate the effects of direct sunlight on creatures vulnerable to sunlight. Cloak of shade has no effect on environmental heat from sources other than the sun.
Source: APG p.211
Target Area: one creature per level
Caster Level: 3
Compel Hostility
Save: see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 rounds
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
SR: see text
School: Enchantment
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Whenever a creature you can see that threatens you makes an attack against one of your allies, as an immediate action, you can compel that creature to attack you instead. When you compel a creature to attack you, you must first overcome that creature's spell resistance, and the creature can attempt a Will saving throw to ignore the compulsion. A summoner casting this spell can choose his eidolon as the target of the spell.
Source: UC p.226
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Dancing Lantern
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Transmutation, FireSchool
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You can animate a lantern and order it to follow you. The lantern floats at shoulder height and remains within 5 feet of you, no matter how fast you move. The lantern cannot support any additional weight. The lantern illuminates its normal area, even if it does not have any oil in it. For the purposes of spells or effects targeting it the lantern always acts as if in your possession even when not directly on your person. A dancing lantern can be made permanent with a permanency spell [CL 9th, 2,500 gp].
Source: APG p.214
Target Area: Animates one lantern
Caster Level: 3
Deadeye's Lore
Time: 1 round
Duration: 3 hours
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: While subject to this spell, you take upon yourself the mantle of the hunter, channeling the insights of the spirits of the wild. You gain a +4 sacred bonus on all Survival checks for the duration of the spell, and you do not have to move at half your speed while traveling through the wilderness or while tracking.
Source: UC p.227
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Delay Poison
DC: 13
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: The subject becomes temporarily immune to poison. Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the spell's duration does not affect the subject until the spell's duration has expired. Delay poison does not cure any damage that poison may have already done.
Source: CR p.265
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 3
Detect Aberration
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: concentration, up to 30 minutes [D]
Rng: Long (520 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell functions like detect animals or plants, except it detects creatures of the aberration type.
Source: APG p.215
Target Area: cone-shaped emanation
Caster Level: 3
Detect Animals or Plants
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Concentration, up to 30 minutes [D]
Rng: Long (520 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You can detect a particular kind of animal or plant in a cone emanating out from you in whatever direction you face. You must think of a kind of animal or plant when using the spell, but you can change the animal or plant kind each round. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you search a particular area or focus on a specific kind of animal or plant. 1st Round: Presence or absence of that kind of animal or plant in the area. 2nd Round: Number of individuals of the specified kind in the area and the condition of the healthiest specimen. 3rd Round: The condition [see below] and location of each individual present. If an animal or a plant is outside your line of sight, then you discern its direction but not its exact location. Conditions: For purposes of this spell, the categories of condition are as follows: Normal: Has at least 90% of full normal hit points, free of disease. Fair: 30% to 90% of full normal hit points remaining. Poor: Less than 30% of full normal hit points remaining, afflicted with a disease, or suffering from a debilitating injury. Weak: 0 or fewer hit points remaining, afflicted with a disease that has reduced an ability score to 5 or less, or crippled. If a creature falls into more than one category, the spell indicates the weaker of the two. Each round you can turn to detect a kind of animal or plant in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. [Chart omitted]
Source: CR p.266
Target Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Caster Level: 3
Detect Poison
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You determine whether a creature, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous. You can determine the exact type of poison with a DC 20 Wisdom check. A character with the Craft [alchemy] skill may try a DC 20 Craft [alchemy] check if the Wisdom check fails, or may try the Craft [alchemy] check prior to the Wisdom check. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
Source: CR p.268
Target Area: Or Area one creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube
Caster Level: 3
Detect Snares and Pits
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Concentration, up to 30 minutes [D]
Rng: 60 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You can detect simple pits, deadfalls, and snares as well as mechanical traps constructed of natural materials. The spell does not detect complex traps, including trapdoor traps. Detect snares and pits does detect certain natural hazards- quicksand [a snare], a sinkhole [a pit], or unsafe walls of natural rock [a deadfall]. It does not reveal other potentially dangerous conditions. The spell does not detect magic traps [except those that operate by pit, deadfall, or snaring; see the spell snare], nor mechanically complex ones, nor those that have been rendered safe or inactive. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area. 1st Round: Presence or absence of hazards. 2nd Round: Number of hazards and the location of each. If a hazard is outside your line of sight, then you discern its direction but not its exact location. Each Additional Round: The general type and trigger for one particular hazard closely examined by you. Each round, you can turn to examine a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
Source: CR p.268
Target Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Caster Level: 3
Diagnose Disease
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You determine whether a creature, object, or area carries any sort of disease or infestation [including molds, slimes, and similar hazards], or any exceptional or supernatural effects causing the sickened or nauseated effects. If there is disease present, you know what disease it is and its effects. If the target is a creature, you gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks to treat the creature�s disease. The spell can penetrate many barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
Source: UM p.216
Target Area: One creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube
Caster Level: 3
Endure Elements
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 24 hours
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves. The creature's equipment is likewise protected. Endure elements doesn't provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth. Mythic: The target changes to one creature touched per level. Affectedcreatures gain cold resistance 5 and fire resistance 5. They'renot slowed by snow, and ignore penalties on Perception checksand ranged weapon attacks from hail, rain, sleet, and snow.They treat wind as one category weaker.
Source: CR p.277
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 3
DC: 13
Save: Reflex partial; see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes [D]
Rng: Long (520 ft.)
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: No
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell causes tall grass, weeds, and other plants to wrap around foes in the area of effect or those that enter the area. Creatures that fail their save gain the entangled condition. Creatures that make their save can move as normal, but those that remain in the area must save again at the end of your turn. Creatures that move into the area must save immediately. Those that fail must end their movement and gain the entangled condition. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check. The DC for this check is equal to the DC of the spell. The entire area of effect is considered difficult terrain while the effect lasts. If the plants in the area are covered in thorns, those in the area take 1 point of damage each time they fail a save against the entangle or fail a check made to break free. Other effects, depending on the local plants, might be possible at GM discretion. Mythic: The spell functions in areas without any vegetation, causingplants to spring up out of the ground. These plants can reachcreatures that are up to 10 feet in the air. Plants affectedor created by the spell sprout thorns that deal 1d6 points ofdamage each round to creatures in the area.
Source: CR p.278
Target Area: Plants in a 40-ft.-radius spread
Caster Level: 3
Feather Step
DC: 13
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 30 minutes
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: For the duration of this spell, the subject ignores the adverse movement effects of difficult terrain, and can even take 5-foot steps in difficult terrain.
Source: APG p.221
Target Area: one creature
Caster Level: 3
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: until landing or 3 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M/DF
School: Transmutation, AirSchool
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You take no damage from falls [as if from feather fall]. In addition, you can move up to 5 feet in any horizontal direction for every 1 foot you fall, at a speed of 60 feet per round. You cannot use this spell to actually gain height, merely coast in other directions as you fall. If subjected to a strong wind or any other effect that causes you to rise you can take advantage of it in order to increase the distance you can glide. The spell ends as soon as your feet touch the ground regardless of its remaining duration. If the spell expires while you are still in the air you fall the remaining distance as normal.
Source: APG p.225
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Gravity Bow
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
School: Transmutation, VoidElementalSchool
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Gravity bow significantly increases the weight and density of arrows or bolts fired from your bow or crossbow the instant before they strike their target and then return them to normal a few moments later. Any arrow fired from a bow or crossbow you are carrying when the spell is cast deals damage as if one size larger than it actually is. For instance, an arrow fired from a Medium longbow normally deals 1d8 points of damage, but it would instead deal 2d6 points of damage if fired from a gravity bow [see page 145 of the Core Rulebook for more information]. Only you can benefit from this spell. If anyone else uses your bow to make an attack the arrows deal damage as normal for their size.
Source: APG p.226
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Heightened Awareness
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 30 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, M/DF
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You enter a heightened state of awareness that allows you to notice more about your surroundings and recall information effortlessly. You gain a +2 competence bonus on Perception checks and on all Knowledge checks that you are trained in. If this spell is active when you have to make an initiative check, you can instantly dismiss this spell and gain a +4 bonus on that check.
Source: ACG p.183
Target Area: you
Caster Level: 3
Hide from Animals
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 30 minutes [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: S, DF
SR: Yes
School: Abjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Animals cannot sense the warded creatures. Even extraordinary or supernatural sensory capabilities, such as blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense, cannot detect or locate warded creatures. Animals simply act as though the warded creatures are not there. If a warded character touches an animal or attacks any creature, even with a spell, the spell ends for all recipients.
Source: CR p.296
Target Area: 3 creatures touched
Caster Level: 3
Horn of Pursuit
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 round
Rng: Personal
Comp: S
SR: No
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You create the sound of a large hunting horn, blowing up to three notes as loud as a roaring dragon. These notes can be heard up to 2 miles away in typical outdoor conditions. You can make these sounds at any point during the spell�s duration as a free action, and each sounding can be short or long, allowing you to send very simple coded messages.
Source: UM p.223
Target Area: 3 peals of a horn
Caster Level: 3
Hunter's Howl
DC: 13
Save: Will negates Spell Resistance none
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 rounds
Rng: 20 ft.
Comp: V, S
School: Necromancy
☐☐☐ |
Effect: With a single primal howl, you strike fear in your opponents. Until the end of the spell's duration, you treat those affected by it as if they were your favored enemy, gaining a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them, and a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against them. If an affected creature is already one of your favored enemies, it is shaken instead. This is a mindaffecting fear effect.
Source: APG p.228
Target Area: 20-ft.-radius burst
Caster Level: 3
Invisibility Alarm
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 30 minutes
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F/DF
SR: No
School: Abjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell functions as alarm, except it is triggered only by invisible creatures entering or leaving the warded area. The spell has a different mental alarm depending on whether the invisible creature is entering or leaving the area. This spell does not aid you in sensing or pinpointing the location of an invisible creature within the spell's area. Invisibility alarm can be made permanent with a permanency spell by a caster of 9th level or higher at a cost of 2,500 gp.
Source: ACG p.185
Target Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on a point in space
Caster Level: 3
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: The subject gets a +10 enhancement bonus on Acrobatics checks made to attempt high jumps or long jumps. The enhancement bonus increases to +20 at caster level 5th, and to +30 [the maximum] at caster level 9th.
Source: CR p.303
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 3
Keen Senses
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, M/DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Transmutation, VoidElementalSchool
☐☐☐ |
Effect: The subject gains a +2 competence bonus on Perception checks and gains low-light vision. Subjects that have low-light vision double the distance they can see under the effects of this spell.
Source: APG p.230
Target Area: creature touched
Caster Level: 3
Know the Enemy
Save: None
Time: 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You commune with the divine, reflecting on one type of creature you encountered in the last day. You may make a Knowledge check regarding that creature type with a +10 insight bonus.
Source: UM p.226
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Lead Blades
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Melee weapons damage as if one size bigger. Lead blades increases the momentum and density of your melee weapons just as they strike a foe. All melee weapons you are carrying when the spell is cast deal damage as if one size category larger than they actually are. For instance, a Medium longsword normally deals 1d8 points of damage, but it would instead deal 2d6 points of damage if benefiting from lead blades [see page 145 of the Core Rulebook for more information]. Only you can benefit from this spell. If anyone else uses one of your weapons to make an attack it deals damage as normal for its size.
Source: APG p.230
Target Area: touch
Caster Level: 3
Liberating Command
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 immediate action
Duration: instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: If the target is bound, grappled, or otherwise restrained, he may make an Escape Artist check to escape as an immediate action. He gains a competence bonus on this check equal to twice your caster level 20. This spell has no effect if the target could not get free by using the Escape Artist skill [for example, if he were under the effects of a hold person spell or paralyzed by Strength damage].
Source: UC p.233
Target Area: one creature
Caster Level: 3
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M/DF
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell reduces the effect of range, granting a +10-foot bonus to the range increment of any weapon used by the subject.
Source: UC p.236
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell gives you a +10 foot enhancement bonus to your base speed. It has no effect on other modes of movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim.
Source: CR p.305
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Magic Fang
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Magic fang gives one natural weapon or unarmed strike of the subject a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. The spell can affect a slam attack, fist, bite, or other natural weapon. The spell does not change an unarmed strike's damage from nonlethal damage to lethal damage. Magic fang can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source: CR p.308
Target Area: Living creature touched
Caster Level: 3
Negate Aroma
DC: 13
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours [D]
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: Yes
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: With a gesture, this spell allows you to dismiss even the foulest or most distinctive scents. When cast, the targeted creatures or objects lose all natural and unnatural odors. A creature under the effect of negate aroma cannot be tracked, located, or pinpointed by the scent special quality. In addition, this spell prevents the target creature from using the stench special ability and similar odor-based abilities [such as those possessed by troglodytes]. Negate aroma does not prevent the target from acquiring outside smells or odors. Dowsing the creature with a pungent substance effectively negates the benefits of the spell until the substance is neutralized or washed away.
Source: APG p.234
Target Area: 3 creatures or objects touched
Caster Level: 3
Pass without Trace
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: The subject or subjects of this spell do not leave footprints or a scent trail while moving. Tracking the subjects is impossible by nonmagical means.
Source: CR p.318
Target Area: 3 creatures touched
Caster Level: 3
Read Magic
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 30 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, F
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You can decipher magical inscriptions on objects-books, scrolls, weapons, and the like-that would otherwise be unintelligible. This deciphering does not normally invoke the magic contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a cursed or trapped scroll. Furthermore, once the spell is cast and you have read the magical inscription, you are thereafter able to read that particular writing without recourse to the use of read magic. You can read at the rate of one page [250 words] per minute. The spell allows you to identify a glyph of warding with a DC 13 Spellcraft check, a greater glyph of warding with a DC 16 Spellcraft check, or any symbol spell with a Spellcraft check [DC 10 + spell level]. Read magic can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source: CR p.330
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Refine Improvised Weapon
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless, object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: yes (harmless, object)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You transform an improvised weapon into an equivalent simple or martial weapon of masterwork quality. This effect does not alter the weapon's shape or appearance in any way. For example, if this spell is cast on a chair leg, a butter knife, or a pitchfork, the items function as a masterwork club, a masterwork dagger, or a masterwork trident, respectively, but the items look no different than they did before the spell was cast.
Source: ACG p.190
Target Area: one improvised weapon
Caster Level: 3
Residual Tracking
Save: None
Time: 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: By touching a footprint, you receive a clear mental image of the person or creature that made it. The image has the exact same appearance as the creature that made the footprint at the moment it made the imprint, including any telling features or expressions, any gear or equipment, or anything else the creature was carrying at the time. For example, the footprint of a horse would reveal both the horse and any creature riding it when it made the footprint.
Source: APG p.238
Target Area: footprint touched
Caster Level: 3
Resist Energy
DC: 13
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 30 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration, AirSchool, EarthSchool, FireSchool, WaterSchool
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This abjuration grants a creature limited protection from damage of whichever one of five energy types you select: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The subject gains resist energy 10 against the energy type chosen, meaning that each time the creature is subjected to such damage [whether from a natural or magical source], that damage is reduced by 10 points before being applied to the creature's hit points. The value of the energy resistance granted increases to 20 points at 7th level and to a maximum of 30 points at 11th level. The spell protects the recipient's equipment as well. Resist energy absorbs only damage. The subject could still suffer unfortunate side effects. Resist energy overlaps [and does not stack with] protection from energy. If a character is warded by protection from energy and resist energy, the protection spell absorbs damage until its power is exhausted. Mythic: The target gains a +4 bonus on saves against effects that dealdamage of the selected energy type. Once each round as a freeaction, the target can choose one adjacent ally to gain energyresistance 5 against the chosen energy type for 1 round. Thisincreases to energy resistance 10 at caster level 7 and energyresistance 15 at caster level 11.
Source: CR p.334
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 3
Returning Weapon
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless, object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless, object)
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: For the duration of the spell, the target weapon acts as if it had the returning weapon special ability [see page 471 of the Core Rulebook]. This spell can be used as the prerequisite for the returning weapon special ability.
Source: UC p.242
Target Area: one weapon that can be thrown
Caster Level: 3
Speak with Animals
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: You can ask questions of and receive answers from animals, but the spell doesn't make them any more friendly than normal. Wary and cunning animals are likely to be terse and evasive, while the more stupid ones make inane comments. If an animal is friendly toward you, it may do some favor or service for you.
Source: CR p.346
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Summon Minor Ally
Save: None
Time: 1 round
Duration: 3 rounds [D]
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: No
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell functions as summon nature�s ally I, except you can summon 1d3 Tiny or smaller animals, such as bats, lizards, monkeys, rats, ravens, toads, or weasels. The summoned animals must all be the same type of creature.
Source: UM p.241
Target Area: 1d3 summoned creatures
Caster Level: 3
Summon Nature's Ally I
Save: None
Time: 1 round
Duration: 3 rounds [D]
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: No
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: This spell summons to your side a natural creature [typically an animal, fey, magical beast, outsider with the elemental subtype, or a giant]. The summoned ally appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions as you command. A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them. Creatures summoned using this spell cannot use spells or spell-like abilities that duplicate spells that have expensive material components [such as wish]. The spell conjures one of the creatures from the 1st Level list on Table 10-6. You choose which kind of creature to summon, and you can change that choice each time you cast the spell. All the creatures on the table are neutral unless otherwise noted. When you use a summoning spell to summon a creature with an alignment or elemental subtype, it is a spell of that type. All creatures summoned with this spell without alignment subtypes have an alignment that matches yours, regardless of their usual alignment. Summoning these creatures makes the summoning spell's type match your alignment. [Chart not included]
Source: CR p.354
Target Area: One summoned creature
Caster Level: 3
Sun Metal
DC: 13
Save: Fortitude negates (object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 rounds [see text]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (object)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: The target weapon ignites into flame that does not hurt the weapon or the wielder, but damages those hit by the weapon. When the weapon's wielder hits with this weapon, it deals an additional 1d4 points of fire damage. This damage is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit. This effect immediately ends if the weapon is submerged in water. This effect does not stack with the flaming or flaming burst weapon special ability or any other effect that grants the weapon extra fire damage. It does not function on weapons with the frost or icy burst weapon special ability or any other effect that grants a weapon extra cold damage.
Source: UC p.245
Target Area: one melee weapon
Caster Level: 3
Thorn Javelin
DC: 13
Save: none
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 minutes [D]
Rng: 0 Ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: no
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: A wooden thorn the size of a javelin [appropriate for your size] appears in your open hand. You can wield this thorn as a javelin, and you are proficient in its use. Any creature struck by the javelin must succeed at a Fortitude save or be sickened for 1 round. If you throw the javelin, another one appears in your hand. Any javelin that leaves your grasp disappears at the end of your turn. Each javelin attack you make reduces the spell's remaining duration by 1 minute. If an attack reduces the remaining duration to 0 minutes or less, the spell ends after that attack resolves.
Source: ACG p.196
Target Area: javelin-like thorn
Caster Level: 3
DC: 13
Save: none
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: yes
School: Evocation
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Effect: You stomp your foot or strike your weapon against the ground or floor, creating a ripple of power that you can use to trip a creature. Attempt the combat maneuver check to trip the target, but instead of your base attack bonus you can use your caster level, and instead of your Strength modifier you can use your spellcasting ability score modifier [Intelligence for magi and wizards; Wisdom for druids and rangers; Charisma for bloodragers and sorcerers]. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This spell has no effect if you cannot reach the ground or floor, or if your target is not in contact with the ground or floor.
Source: ACG p.196
Target Area: one creature
Caster Level: 3
Tireless Pursuit
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 hours [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
School: Transmutation
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Effect: You harden your body against the stresses of long travel. You halve the damage caused by hustling and forced marching [see Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 171]. In addition, for the duration of the spell you ignore any fatigue caused by such travel. Once the spell ends, if you still have any nonlethal damage caused by the hustling or forced march, you become fatigued, or exhausted if already fatigued.
Source: APG p.249
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 3
Unbreakable Heart
DC: 13
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 rounds
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Enchantment
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Effect: Creature gains +4 morale bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects that rely on negative emotions or that would force him to harm an ally. Supresses such effects already in place.
Source: ISWG p.296
Target Area: One creature
Caster Level: 3
Wartrain Mount
Save: None
Time: 1 minute
Duration: 3 hours
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
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Effect: You instill the target animal with the combat training general purpose [see the Handle Animal skill, Core Rulebook 98]. This supersedes the animal�s previous trained purpose and any tricks it knows. When the spell ends, it reverts to its previous trained purpose and known tricks.
Source: UM p.248
Target Area: One indifferent or friendly animal
Caster Level: 3
* = Domain/Specialty Spell |