Created using PCGen 6.07.03-dev on 14 juil. 2017
Cerise Vincent Neutral Good None 20 Click for Bio
Witch10 29 Half-Elf (Taldan) Medium / 5 ft. 5' 11" 110 lbs. Low-Light Vision
10 30 28 Femelle Jade Green Cherry Red strands, red haired, long, lightly curled
7 -2 5 -3
12 +1 10 +0
12 +1 12 +1
21 +5 25 +7
10 +0 14 +2
15 +2 15 +2




Hit Points

Walk 30 ft.
Armour Class
16 : 11 : 16 = 10 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0
+3 = +0 + +3

0 +0 0  
+6 = +3 + +1 + +2
+ +0
+ +0
+5 = +3 + +0 + +2
+ +0
+ +0
+13 = +7 + +2 + +2
+ +0
+ +2
+2 vs. enchantment spells and effects
+2 = +5
+ -3 + +0
+ 0
+ +0
+5 = +5
+ +0 + +0
+ 0
+ +0
+2 = +5
+ -3 + +0
+ +0
+ +0
CMB +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
CMD 13 13 13 13 13 13

5 ft.

5 ft.
1H-P 1H-O 2H 2W-P-(OH) 2W-P-(OL) 2W-OH
 Bonus +2
 Dam 1d4-3
  Range 10 ft.'
20 ft.'
30 ft.'
40 ft.'
50 ft.'
 Bonus +5
 Dam 1d4-3 1d4-3 1d4-3 1d4-3 1d4-3
 Ammunition Used
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
 Special Properties

Alchemist's Fire (Flask)
  Range 10 ft.'
20 ft.'
30 ft.'
40 ft.'
50 ft.'
 Bonus +5
 Dam 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6
 Ammunition Used
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
 Special Properties
 Thrown splash weapon see p.202, Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage.

1H-P: One handed, primary hand. 1H-O: One handed, off hand. 2H: Two handed. 2W-P-(OH): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is heavy). 2W-P-(OL): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is light). 2W-OH:2 weapons, off hand.
  Acrobatics DEX 3 = 0
+ 3
+ 0
  Appraise INT 7 = 7
+ 0
+ 0
  Bluff CHA 5 = 2
+ 0
+ 3
  Climb STR -3 = -3
+ 0
+ 0
  Craft (Untrained) INT 7 = 7
+ 0
+ 0
  Diplomacy CHA 23 = 2
+ 10
+ 11
  Disguise CHA 5 = 2
+ 0
+ 3
  Escape Artist DEX 5 = 0
+ 5
+ 0
  Fly DEX 13 = 0
+ 10
+ 3
  Heal WIS 2 = 2
+ 0
+ 0
  Intimidate CHA 11 = 2
+ 1
+ 8
  Knowledge (Arcana) INT 20 = 7
+ 10
+ 3
  Knowledge (Dungeoneering) INT 8 = 7
+ 1
+ 0
  Knowledge (Engineering) INT 8 = 7
+ 1
+ 0
  Knowledge (Geography) INT 9 = 7
+ 2
+ 0
  Knowledge (History) INT 12 = 7
+ 2
+ 3
  Knowledge (Local) INT 8 = 7
+ 1
+ 0
  Knowledge (Nature) INT 12 = 7
+ 2
+ 3
  Knowledge (Nobility) INT 8 = 7
+ 1
+ 0
  Knowledge (Planes) INT 12 = 7
+ 2
+ 3
  Knowledge (Religion) INT 8 = 7
+ 1
+ 0
  Linguistics(Celestial, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Tien) INT 11 = 7
+ 4
+ 0
  Perception WIS 18 = 2
+ 10
+ 6
  Perform (Oratory) CHA 9 = 2
+ 1
+ 6
  Perform (Untrained) CHA 5 = 2
+ 0
+ 3
  Ride DEX 0 = 0
+ 0
+ 0
  Sense Motive WIS 9 = 2
+ 5
+ 2
  Spellcraft INT 20 = 7
+ 10
+ 3
  Stealth DEX 1 = 0
+ 1
+ 0
  Survival WIS 2 = 2
+ 0
+ 0
  Swim STR 1 = -3
+ 0
+ 4
  Use Magic Device CHA 18 = 2
+ 10
+ 6
◆ = Useable Untrained
+5 bonus to Diplomacy with members of the character's faction
+2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy with Dwarves

PCGen Character Template by ROG, mods/maint by Arcady, Barak & Dimrill. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Created using PCGen 6.07.03-dev on 14 juil. 2017
Player: Vincent; Character Name: Cerise
 Circlet of Persuasion
 Headband of Vast Intelligence +4
 Amulet of Natural Armor +1
 Ring of Protection +1
 Outfit (Scholar's)
 Cackling Hag's Blouse
 Heavyload Belt
 Cloak of Resistance +2
 Handy Haversack
 Waterproof Bag
Handy Haversack
 Smelling Salts
(Grants new saving throw against unconscious or staggerd conditions. If dying, become conscious and staggered but still make stabilization checks each round.)
Handy Haversack
 Scroll (Mount)
Handy Haversack
 Scroll (Remove Sickness/Witch/1st/Arcane/Minor)
Handy Haversack
 Alchemist's Fire (Flask)
(Thrown splash weapon see p.202, Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage.)
Handy Haversack
 Ink (1 oz. Vial)
Handy Haversack
Handy Haversack
 Paper (Sheet)
(hardness 0, 1 hit point, and break DC 5)
Handy Haversack
 Rod (Bouncing/Lesser)
Handy Haversack
 Scroll Case
Handy Haversack
 Belt Pouch
Handy Haversack
 Scroll (Command)
Handy Haversack
 Scroll (Delay Poison)
Handy Haversack
 Scroll (Hex Ward/Witch/1st/Arcane/Minor)
Handy Haversack
 Chronicle of Kyonin
Handy Haversack
 Wand of Magic Missile
(1 to 5 missiles that do 1d4+1 damage each.)
Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded
 Jewelry for courtier’s outfit
Handy Haversack
 Courtier's Outfit
Handy Haversack
 Familiar Satchel
(Provides total cover to any Tiny or smaller creature contained within it.)
Handy Haversack
 Pathfinder Chronicle
Handy Haversack
 Rod (Extend/Lesser)
Handy Haversack
 Fortune-Teller's Deck (Quality)
Handy Haversack
 Scroll (Tongues)
Handy Haversack
 Potion of Darkvision
(Grants darkvision (60 ft.) for 3 hours)
Handy Haversack
 Pearl of Power (1st Level)
 Wand of Arcane Sight
Handy Haversack
 Wand of Cure Serious Wounds
Handy Haversack
 Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded
(Holds 1 forearm-length item or five arrows or bolts. Swift action to release 1 or more items (provokes as normal). +2 on Sleight of Hand to hide items in sheath. Can wear one wrist sheath per arm. Full-round action to insert item.)
 Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded
(Holds 1 forearm-length item or five arrows or bolts. Swift action to release 1 or more items (provokes as normal). +2 on Sleight of Hand to hide items in sheath. Can wear one wrist sheath per arm. Full-round action to insert item.)
 Wand of Restoration (Lesser)
(Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the subject's ability scores or cures 1d4 points of temporary ability damage to one of the subject's ability scores.)
Handy Haversack
(light at will, +2 competence to Survival (avoid becoming lost), can contain an ioun stone)
 Spell Component Pouch
 Wand of Endure Elements
(A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment.)
Handy Haversack
 Platinum Ring (50 gp)
(Focus for Shield Other)
Spell Component Pouch
 Incense (25 gp)
(Material Component for Augury)
Spell Component Pouch
 Silver Crescent
(Threefold Aspect)
Spell Component Pouch
 Dweomer's Essence
Spell Component Pouch
 Ioun Stone, Dusty rose Prism - Cracked
 Rod (Extend)
 Wand of Cure Light Wounds
(When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8+1/level, max 5 points of damage.)
Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded
 Wand of Mage Armor
(An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.)
Handy Haversack
 Wand of Resist Energy (CL 7)
(Resist 20)
Handy Haversack
TOTAL WEIGHT CARRIED/VALUE   29,14 lbs. 65865.5 gp
Light 66 Medium 133 Heavy 200

Coin (Silver Piece): 9
Unspent Funds = 2549.0

1H-P: One handed, primary hand. 1H-O: One handed, off hand. 2H: Two handed. 2W-P-(OH): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is heavy). 2W-P-(OL): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is light). 2W-OH:2 weapons, off hand.
Auran, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Tien, Varisian
Battle Aspergillum, Bayonet, Blowgun, Boar Spear, Brass Knuckles, Cestus, Club, Crossbow (Heavy), Crossbow (Light), Dagger, Dagger (Punching), Dart, Gaff, Gauntlet, Gauntlet (Spiked), Grapple, Hair, Hanbo, Javelin, Longspear, Mace (Heavy), Mace (Light), Mere Club, Morningstar, Quarterstaff, Rock, Shortspear, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Spear (Boar), Spells (Ray), Spells (Touch), Splash Weapon, Stake, Unarmed Strike, Underwater Crossbow (Heavy), Underwater Crossbow (Light)
Ease of Faith [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.328]
     Your mentor, the person who invested your faith in you from an early age, took steps to ensure that you understood that what powers your divine magic is no different than that which powers the magic of other religions. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.
Elven Reflexes [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.331]
     One of your parents was a member of a wild elven tribe, and you've inherited a portion of your elven parent's quick reflexes. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
Prestige Awards
Current Prestige Points (11x) [Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p.22]
     The character has 11 current prestige points.
Fame (52x) [Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p.9]
     The character has accumulated 52 Fame. He has a +5 to Diplomacy with members of his faction. Maximum Item Cost: 2808000 gp
Captain (Andoran Faction) (cskill) [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Society Field Guide, p.14]
     Captain (Andoran, Fame 40, 1 PP, Eagle Knight) Having performed valued and extraordinary service to Andoran as a member of the Eagle Knights, you are elevated to the rank of captain and become specialized in Perform (oratory).
Caravan (Diplomacy) [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Society Primer, p.61]
     You own a controlling share in a caravan that makes regular trips through the Inner Sea region. You aren't required to maintain a presence in the caravan, and thus do not need to accompany the caravan as it makes its journeys, but you do shoulder some of the responsibility of ownership. For the most part, this means handling things like representing the caravan's interests to important merchants, politicians, and aristocrats. When you first purchase your caravan, you must decide how you wish to represent the caravan's interests - this decides what additional skill you can use to make Day Job checks. If you wish to represent the caravan as an upstanding citizen and above-the-board merchant, you can use Diplomacy to make Day Job rolls. If, on the other hand, you want to skirt the laws, focus on smuggling, and otherwise use deception to maintain the caravan's success, you can use Bluff to make Day Job rolls. Finally, if you want to have your caravan be especially well guarded and use blatant shows of force to get what you need, you can use Intimidate to make Day Job rolls.
Eagle Knight (Andoran Faction) (+1) [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Society Field Guide, p.14]
     Eagle Knight (Andoran, Fame 20, 1 PP) You are invited into the ranks of the illustrious Eagle Knights with the rank of lance corporal. You become specialized in Diplomacy.
Free purchase up to 750 gp [Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p.3]
     Free purchase up to 750 gp (2 PP)
Knighthood (Andoran Faction) [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Society Field Guide, p.14]
     Knighthood (Andoran, Fame 40, 4 PP) You become invested as a knight of Andoran, gaining the title "sir" if male or "dame" if female before your given name. You may also append "knight" onto any existing titles within the Eagle Knights if you are a member, such as "knight captain" or "knight corporal." You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) checks within Andoran or against Andoren subjects.
Raise dead [Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p.3]
     Raise dead
Rescue [Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p.3]
     Have your body recovered by a rescue team
Restful Pathfinders' Lounge [Paizo Inc. - Pathfinder Society Field Guide, p.61]
     Restful Pathfinders' Lounge (2 PP): Decades ago, a group of aff luent Pathfinders founded the Restful Pathfinders' Lounge, a members-only club in the Petal District of Absalom where they could relax when not adventuring, while simultaneously avoiding having a venture-captain tell them they weren't busy enough. Without the riffraff of a public tavern present, they may spend time with their closest companions and enjoy a good brandy or a light smoke in peace and quiet. When in Absalom, you may gain the benefit of 8 hours rest in only 6 hours when they are spent at this private club.
Retraining (5x) [Paizo Inc. - Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p.10]
     The character has spent prestige points to retrain.
Arcane Training [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.17]
     Half-elves occasionally seek tutoring to help them master the magic in their blood. Half-elves with this racial trait have only one favored class and it must be an arcane spellcasting class. They can use spell trigger and spell completion items for their favored class as if 1 level higher (or as a 1st-level character if they have no levels in that class). This racial trait replaces the multitalented racial trait.
Bonus Witch Spell [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Race Guide]
     Add one spell from the witch spell list to the witch's familiar. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level she can cast. If the witch ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.
Cackle (Su) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.66]
     The witch can cackle madly as a move action. This hex can be used only once per round. Any creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of an agony hex, charm hex, evil eye hex, fortune hex, or misfortune hex caused by the witch has the duration of that hex extended by 1 round.
Cantrips [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.65]
     You can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Deliver Touch Spells (Su) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.69]
     Your familiar can deliver touch spells or hexes for you. If you and your familiar are in contact at the time you cast the touch spell, you can designate your familiar as the "toucher". Your familiar can then deliver the touch spell just as you would. As usual, if you cast another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates. If you activate a hex, your familiar can be used to make the touch. You do not have to be in contact with your familiar to use this ability.
Dual Minded [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.17]
     The mixed ancestry of some half-elves makes them resistant to mental attacks. Half-elves with this racial trait get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait.
Elf Blood (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.24]
     Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.24]
     Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Evil Eye (Su) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.66]
     The witch can cause doubt in the mind of a foe within 30 feet that you can see. The target takes a -4 penalty on one of the following (witch's choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for 10 rounds. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Familiar's Alertness ability active (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook]
     PC has a familiar that has the Alertness (Ex) ability and it is within arms' reach, the master gains the Alertness feat.
Flight (Su) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.66]
     The witch grow lighter as you gain power, eventually gaining the ability to fly. The witch can use feather fall on herself at will and gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks. She can cast levitate on herself once per day. The witch may fly, as per the spell, for 10 minutes per day. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Fortune (Su) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.66]
     The witch can grant a creature within 30 feet a bit of good luck for 2 round. The target can call upon this good luck once per round, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result.
Healing (Su) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.66]
     The witch may heal with a touch, this acts as a cure moderate wounds spell, using the witch's caster level.
Hex [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide]
     Witches learn a number of magic tricks, called hexes, that grant them powers or weaken foes. At 1st level, a witch gains one hex of her choice. She gains an additional hex at 2nd level and for every 2 levels attained after 2nd level, as noted on Table 2-10. A witch cannot select an individual hex more than once. Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch's level + the witch's Intelligence modifier. Witches learn a number of magic tricks, called hexes, that grant them powers or weaken foes. Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to resist a hex is 22.
Keen Senses (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.24]
     Half-elves receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks.
Low-Light Vision (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Bestiary]
     You can see x2 as far as humans in low illumination. Characters with low-light vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light. Low-Light Vision is color vision. A spellcaster with low-light vision can read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is next to her as a source of light. Characters with low-light vision can see outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day.
Major Hex - Agony (Su) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.68]
     The target is nauseated for 10 rounds. A Fortitude save negates this effect. If the saving throw is failed, the target can attempt a new save each round to end the effect.
Misfortune (Su) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.66]
     For 2 rounds, anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result. A Will save negates this hex.
Time Patron [Paizo Publishing, LLC - Ultimate Magic, p.83]
     2nd—ventriloquism, 4th—silence, 6th—haste, 8th—threefold aspect, 10th—teleport, 12th—disintegrate, 14th—expend, 16th—temporal stasis, 18th—time stop.
Voratalo [Paizo Inc. - Inner Sea World Guide, p.289]
     You cast spells from the necromancy school at +1 caster level. Additionally, you gain touch of fatigue as a spell-like ability usable 3/day.
Witch's Familiar [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.67]
     You form a close bond with a familiar, a creature that teaches you magic and helps to guide you along your path. Your familiar also aids you by granting you skill bonuses, additional spells, and help with some types of magic. These special abilities apply only when you and your familiar are within 1 mile of each other. The familiar stores all the spells that you know.
Witch Patron Spells [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide]
     At 1st level, when a witch gains her familiar, she must also select a patron. This patron is a vague and mysterious force, granting the witch power for reasons that she might not entirely understand. While these forces need not be named, they typically hold influence over one of the following forces. At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, a witch's patron adds new spells to a witch's list of spells known. These spells are also automatically added to the list of spells stored by the familiar. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) appear in Chapter 5 of this book. The spells gained depend upon the patron chosen. Each patron is listed by its theme. Its actual name is up to the GM and the witch to decide.
Alertness [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.117]
    You often notice things that others might miss.
    You get a +2 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Extra Hex [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Player's Guide, p.160]
    You have learned the secrets of a new hex.
    You gain one additional hex. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this hex. Special - You can gain Extra Hex multiple times.
Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy) [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.125]
    Any spells you cast from your chosen school of magic are very hard to resist.
    Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Spell Focus.
Spell Focus (Necromancy) [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.134]
    Any spells you cast of your chosen school of magic are more difficult to resist.
    Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select.
Split Hex [Paizo Inc. - Ultimate Magic, p.156]
    You can split the effect of one of your targeted hexes, affecting another creature you can see.
    When you use one of your hexes (not a major hex or a grand hex) that targets a single creature, you can choose another creature within 30 feet of the first target to also be targeted by the hex.
Varisian Tattoo [Paizo Inc. - Inner Sea World Guide, p.289]
    You bear intricate tattoos of the ancient traditions of Varisian magic that inspire and empower your natural magic ability. Gain a cantrip as a spell-like ability.
    You bear intricate tattoos of the ancient traditions of Varisian magic that inspire and empower your natural magic ability. You potency in spells from a chosen school increases, and you gain a spell-like ability.
Temporary Bonuses Applied
Threefold Aspect (Elderly) •  Mage Armor

Created using PCGen 6.07.03-dev on 14 juil. 2017
Player: Vincent; Character Name: Cerise
Innate Spell-like Abilities
Feather Fall
DC: 18
Save: Will negates (harmless) or Will negates (object);
Time: 1 immediate action, at will
Duration: Until landing or 10 rounds
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V
SR: Yes (object)
School: Transmutation, AirSchool
Effect:  The affected creatures or objects fall slowly. Feather fall instantly changes the rate at which the targets fall to a mere 60 feet per round [equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet], and the subjects take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. When the spell duration expires, a normal rate of falling resumes. The spell affects one or more Medium or smaller creatures [including gear and carried objects up to each creature's maximum load] or objects, or the equivalent in larger creatures: a Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so forth. This spell has no special effect on ranged weapons unless they are falling quite a distance. If the spell is cast on a falling item, the object does half normal damage based on its weight, with no bonus for the height of the drop. Feather fall works only upon free-falling objects. It does not affect a sword blow or a charging or flying creature.
Source:  CR p.281
Target Area:   10 Medium or smaller free-falling objects or creatures, no two of which may be more than 20 ft. apart
Caster Level:   10
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action, 1/Day
Duration: 10 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal or Close
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Transmutation, AirSchool
Effect:  Levitate allows you to move yourself, another creature, or an object up and down as you wish. A creature must be willing to be levitated, and an object must be unattended or possessed by a willing creature. You can mentally direct the recipient to move up or down as much as 20 feet each round; doing so is a move action. You cannot move the recipient horizontally, but the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally [generally at half its base land speed]. A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack has a -1 penalty on attack rolls, the second -2, and so on, to a maximum penalty of -5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at -1.
Source:  CR p.304
Target Area:   You or one willing creature or one object [total weight up to 1000 lbs.]
Caster Level:   10
Touch of Fatigue
DC: 12
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action, 3/Day
Duration: 10 rounds
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You channel negative energy through your touch, fatiguing the target. You must succeed on a touch attack to strike a target. The subject is immediately fatigued for the spell's duration. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already fatigued. Unlike with normal fatigue, the effect ends as soon as the spell's duration expires.
Source:  CR p.360
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10

Wayfinder Spell-like Abilities
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action, at will
Duration: 50 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, M/DF
SR: No
School: Evocation
Effect:  This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius, and increasing the light level for an additional 20 feet by one step, up to normal light [darkness becomes dim light, and dim light becomes normal light]. In an area of normal or bright light, this spell has no effect. The effect is immobile, but it can be cast on a movable object. You can only have one light spell active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled. If you make this spell permanent [through permanency or a similar effect], it does not count against this limit. Light can be used to counter or dispel any darkness spell of equal or lower spell level.
Source:  CR p.304
Target Area:   Object touched
Caster Level:   5

Created using PCGen 6.07.03-dev on 14 juil. 2017
Player: Vincent; Character Name: Cerise
Witch Spells
LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
KNOWN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PER DAY 4 6 6 5 4 3 0 0 0 0
Arcane Mark
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Permanent
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Universal
Effect:  This spell allows you to inscribe your personal rune or mark, which can consist of no more than six characters. The writing can be visible or invisible. An arcane mark spell enables you to etch the rune upon any substance without harm to the material upon which it is placed. If an invisible mark is made, a detect magic spell causes it to glow and be visible, though not necessarily understandable. See invisibility, true seeing, a gem of seeing, or a robe of eyes likewise allows the user to see an invisible arcane mark. A read magic spell reveals the words, if any. The mark cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed by the caster or by an erase spell. If an arcane mark is placed on a living being, the effect gradually fades in about a month. Arcane mark must be cast on an object prior to casting instant summons on the same object [see that spell description for details].
Source:  CR p.244
Target Area:   One personal rune or mark, all of which must fit within 1 sq. ft.
Caster Level:   10
DC: 19
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You cause a living creature that is below 0 hit points but stabilized to resume dying. Upon casting this spell, you target a living creature that has -1 or fewer hit points. That creature begins dying, taking 1 point of damage per round. The creature can be stabilized later normally. This spell causes a creature that is dying to take 1 point of damage.
Source:  CR p.249
Target Area:   One living creature
Caster Level:   11
Dancing Lights
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 minute [D]
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Evocation
Effect:  Depending on the version selected, you create up to four lights that resemble lanterns or torches [and cast that amount of light], or up to four glowing spheres of light [which look like will-o'-wisps], or one faintly glowing, vaguely humanoid shape. The dancing lights must stay within a 10-foot-radius area in relation to each other but otherwise move as you desire [no concentration required]: forward or back, up or down, straight or turning corners, or the like. The lights can move up to 100 feet per round. A light winks out if the distance between you and it exceeds the spell's range. You can only have one dancing lights spell active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled. If you make this spell permanent, it does not count against this limit. Dancing lights can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source:  CR p.263
Target Area:   Up to four lights, all within a 10-ft.-radius area
Caster Level:   10
DC: 17
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 round
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
Effect:  This spell clouds the mind of a humanoid creature with 4 or fewer Hit Dice so that it takes no actions. Humanoids of 5 or more HD are not affected. A dazed subject is not stunned, so attackers get no special advantage against it. After a creature has been dazed by this spell, it is immune to the effects of this spell for 1 minute.
Source:  CR p.264
Target Area:   One humanoid creature of 4 HD or less
Caster Level:   10
Detect Magic
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes [D]
Rng: 60 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination

You detect magical auras. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or subject. 1st Round: Presence or absence of magical auras. 2nd Round: Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura. 3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Knowledge [arcana] skill checks to determine the school of magic involved in each. Make one check per aura: DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + 1/2 caster level for a nonspell effect. If the aura eminates from a magic item, you can attempt to identify its properties [see Spellcraft]. Magical areas, multiple types of magic, or strong local magical emanations may distort or conceal weaker auras. Aura Strength: An aura's power depends on a spell's functioning spell level or an item's caster level; see the accompanying table. If an aura falls into more than one category, detect magic indicates the stronger of the two. Lingering Aura: A magical aura lingers after its original source dissipates [in the case of a spell] or is destroyed [in the case of a magic item]. If detect magic is cast and directed at such a location, the spell indicates an aura strength of dim [even weaker than a faint aura]. How long the aura lingers at this dim level depends on its original power:

Original Strength | Duration of Lingering Aura

Faint | 1d6 rounds

Moderate | 1d6 minutes

Strong | 1d6 x 10 minutes

Overwhelming | 1d6 days

Outsiders and elementals are not magical in themselves, but if they are summoned, the conjuration spell registers. Each round, you can turn to detect magic in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. Detect magic can be made permanent with a permanency spell.

Source:  CR p.267
Target Area:   Cone-shaped emanation
Caster Level:   10
Detect Poison
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
Effect:  You determine whether a creature, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous. You can determine the exact type of poison with a DC 20 Wisdom check. A character with the Craft [alchemy] skill may try a DC 20 Craft [alchemy] check if the Wisdom check fails, or may try the Craft [alchemy] check prior to the Wisdom check. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
Source:  CR p.268
Target Area:   Or Area one creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube
Caster Level:   10
DC: 17
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 minute or until discharged
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Divination, VoidElementalSchool
Effect:  This spell imbues the subject with a touch of divine guidance. The creature gets a +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. It must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies.
Source:  CR p.292
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, M/DF
SR: No
School: Evocation
Effect:  This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius, and increasing the light level for an additional 20 feet by one step, up to normal light [darkness becomes dim light, and dim light becomes normal light]. In an area of normal or bright light, this spell has no effect. The effect is immobile, but it can be cast on a movable object. You can only have one light spell active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled. If you make this spell permanent [through permanency or a similar effect], it does not count against this limit. Light can be used to counter or dispel any darkness spell of equal or lower spell level.
Source:  CR p.304
Target Area:   Object touched
Caster Level:   10
DC: 17
Save: Will negates (harmless, object)
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: 10 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless, object)
School: Transmutation
Effect:  This spell repairs damaged objects, restoring 1d4 hit points to the object. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this spell to function. Magic items can be repaired by this spell, but you must have a caster level equal to or higher than that of the object. Magic items that are destroyed [at 0 hit points or less] can be repaired with this spell, but this spell does not restore their magic abilities. This spell does not affect creatures [including constructs]. This spell has no effect on objects that have been warped or otherwise transmuted, but it can still repair damage done to such items.
Source:  CR p.312
Target Area:   One object of up to 10 lb.
Caster Level:   10
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Transmutation, AirSchool
Effect:  You can whisper messages and receive whispered replies. Those nearby can hear these messages with a DC 25 Perception check. You point your finger at each creature you want to receive the message. When you whisper, the whispered message is audible to all targeted creatures within range. Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal [or a thin sheet of lead], or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks the spell. The message does not have to travel in a straight line. It can circumvent a barrier if there is an open path between you and the subject, and the path's entire length lies within the spell's range. The creatures that receive the message can whisper a reply that you hear. The spell transmits sound, not meaning; it doesn't transcend language barriers. To speak a message, you must mouth the words and whisper.
Source:  CR p.313
Target Area:   10 creatures
Caster Level:   10
Putrefy Food and Drink
DC: 17
Save: Will negates (object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: 10 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (object)
School: Transmutation
Effect:  This spell causes otherwise edible food to rot and spoil instantly, and water and other liquids to become brackish and undrinkable. Holy water and similar food and drink of significance are spoiled by putrefy food and drink, but the spell has no effect on creatures of any type, nor upon unholy water. Water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon. One cubic foot of water contains roughly 8 gallons and weighs about 60 pounds. Although potions and elixirs are unaffected by the normal use of the spell, you can instead choose to target a single such object with this spell, destroying it if it fails a saving throw.
Source:  APG p.237
Target Area:   10 cu. ft. of food and water or one potion; see text
Caster Level:   10
Read Magic
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, F
School: Divination
Effect:  You can decipher magical inscriptions on objects-books, scrolls, weapons, and the like-that would otherwise be unintelligible. This deciphering does not normally invoke the magic contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a cursed or trapped scroll. Furthermore, once the spell is cast and you have read the magical inscription, you are thereafter able to read that particular writing without recourse to the use of read magic. You can read at the rate of one page [250 words] per minute. The spell allows you to identify a glyph of warding with a DC 13 Spellcraft check, a greater glyph of warding with a DC 16 Spellcraft check, or any symbol spell with a Spellcraft check [DC 10 + spell level]. Read magic can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source:  CR p.330
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
DC: 17
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 minute
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration
Effect:  You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects it from harm, granting it a +1 resistance bonus on saves. Resistance can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source:  CR p.334
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
DC: 17
Save: Fortitude negates (object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V or S
SR: Yes (object)
School: Evocation, FireSchool
Effect:  You can make an unattended Fine flammable object catch on fire. This works as if you were using flint and steel except that you can use spark in any sort of weather and it takes much less time to actually ignite an object.
Source:  APG p.246
Target Area:   one Fine object
Caster Level:   10
DC: 17
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Conjuration
Effect:  Upon casting this spell, you target a living creature that has - 1 or fewer hit points. That creature is automatically stabilized and does not lose any further hit points. If the creature later takes damage, it continues dying normally.
Source:  CR p.348
Target Area:   One living creature
Caster Level:   10
Touch of Fatigue
DC: 19
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 rounds
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You channel negative energy through your touch, fatiguing the target. You must succeed on a touch attack to strike a target. The subject is immediately fatigued for the spell's duration. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already fatigued. Unlike with normal fatigue, the effect ends as soon as the spell's duration expires.
Source:  CR p.360
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   11
DC: 18
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Concentration + 2 rounds or until triggered
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
Effect:  The target takes a �20 penalty on its next attack roll or check that requires a d20 roll. The action must be one deliberately taken by the target on its turn. Creatures with more than 10 HD are unaffected by this spell.
Source:  UM p.209
Target Area:   One humanoid
Caster Level:   10
Burning Hands
DC: 18
Save: Reflex half
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: 15 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation, FireSchool
Effect:  A cone of searing flame shoots from your fingertips. Any creature in the area of the flames takes 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level [maximum 5d4]. Flammable materials burn if the flames touch them. A character can extinguish burning items as a full-round action.
Source:  CR p.251
Target Area:   Cone-shaped burst
Caster Level:   10
Cause Fear
DC: 20
Save: Will partial
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1d4 rounds or 1 round; see text
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  The affected creature becomes frightened. If the subject succeeds on a Will save, it is shaken for 1 round. Creatures with 6 or more HD are immune to this effect. Cause fear counters and dispels remove fear.
Source:  CR p.252
Target Area:   One living creature with 5 or fewer HD
Caster Level:   11
DC: 18
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 round
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
Effect:  You give the subject a single command, which it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. You may select from the following options. Approach: On its turn, the subject moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round. The creature may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal. Drop: On its turn, the subject drops whatever it is holding. It can't pick up any dropped item until its next turn. Fall: On its turn, the subject falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It may act normally while prone but takes any appropriate penalties. Flee: On its turn, the subject moves away from you as quickly as possible for 1 round. It may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal. Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any actions but is not considered helpless. If the subject can't carry out your command on its next turn, the spell automatically fails.
Source:  CR p.256
Target Area:   One living creature
Caster Level:   10
Comprehend Languages
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M/DF
School: Divination
Effect:  You can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables you to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it. Written material can be read at the rate of one page [250 words] per minute. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that it is magical. This spell can be foiled by certain warding magic [such as the secret page and illusory script spells]. It does not decipher codes or reveal messages concealed in otherwise normal text. Comprehend languages can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source:  CR p.258
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Cure Light Wounds
DC: 18
Save: Will half (harmless); see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless); see text
School: Conjuration
Effect:  When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level [maximum +5]. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. An undead creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.
Source:  CR p.263
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Hex Vulnerability
DC: 20
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 rounds
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  The targeted creature becomes susceptible to a repeat use of your harmful hexes, even if you could not otherwise target that creature with a particular hex for a certain time period. For example, normally after you target a creature with a charm hex, you cannot target it again for 1 day. But after casting this spell on a creature, you could try the charm hex repeatedly as long as the spell persists. The end of this spell has no effect on any active or ongoing hex on a creature. For example, if the creature failed its save against a second use of your charm hex, it remains charmed for the normal duration, even if the spell expires before the hex does. Each subsequent casting of this spell on a target within a 24-hour period gives the target a +4 bonus on its save against the spell and imposes a -4 penalty on your caster level check to overcome the target's spell resistance with this spell.
Source:  ACG p.184
Target Area:   one creature
Caster Level:   11
Hex Ward
DC: 18
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 hours
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration
Effect:  You give the target a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against witch hexes.
Source:  UM p.223
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Ill Omen
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds or until discharged
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
Effect:  You afflict the target with bad luck. On the next d20 roll the target makes, it must roll twice and take the less favorable result. For every five caster levels you have, the target must roll twice on an additional d20 roll [to a maximum of five rolls at 20th level]. A target who can speak and has at least one free hand and who is aware of the spell and its effects [such as from a Spellcraft check to identify the spell as it is cast] can negate one reroll by spending a move action to utter a brief prayer or good luck charm to appease the spirits of ill fortune.
Source:  APG p.229
Target Area:   one creature
Caster Level:   10
Inflict Light Wounds
DC: 20
Save: Will half
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  When laying your hand upon a creature, you channel negative energy that deals 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level [maximum +5]. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell cures such a creature of a like amount of damage, rather than harming it.
Source:  CR p.300
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   11
Mage Armor
DC: 18
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 hours [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Conjuration
Effect:  An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC. Unlike mundane armor, mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can't bypass it the way they do normal armor.
Source:  CR p.306
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Ray of Enfeeblement
DC: 20
Save: Fortitude half
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 rounds
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  A coruscating ray springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject takes a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels [maximum 1d6+5]. The subject's Strength score cannot drop below 1. A successful Fortitude save reduces this penalty by half. This penalty does not stack with itself. Apply the highest penalty instead.
Source:  CR p.329
Target Area:   Ray
Caster Level:   11
Ray of Sickening
DC: 20
Save: Fortitude partial; see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 minutes
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  This spell functions as ray of exhaustion, except the target is sickened if it fails its save and unaffected if it makes its save.
Source:  UM p.234
Target Area:   Ray
Caster Level:   11
Remove Sickness
DC: 18
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes; see text
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Conjuration
Effect:  You quell feelings of illness and nausea in the target, giving it a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against disease, nausea, and sickened effects. If the subject is already under the influence of one of these effects when receiving the spell, that effect is suppressed for the duration of the spell.
Source:  UM p.234
Target Area:   One creature
Caster Level:   10
Shield Companion
DC: 18
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 hours [D]
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration
Effect:  This spell creates a special mystical connection between you and your companion creature-animal companion, bonded mount, eidolon, or familiar-which allows you to transfer its wounds to you. The creature gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC and a +1 resistance bonus on saves. As an immediate action when your companion takes damage, you can take that damage yourself to prevent your companion from being harmed [similar to shield other, except the damage is not split between you and the target]. Forms of harm that do not involve the loss of hit points, such as charm effects, temporary ability damage, level drain, and death effects, are not affected. If the creature suffers a reduction of hit points from a lowered Constitution score, you cannot take that damage on behalf of your companion creature because it is not hit point damage. When the spell ends, damage directed to you by the spell is not reassigned to the subject. If you and your companion move out of range of each other, the spell ends. This spell wards the subject and creates a mystic connection between you and the subject so that some of its wounds are transferred to you.
Source:  ACG p.191 SOURCELINK:
Target Area:   your companion creature
Caster Level:   10
DC: 18
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 round
Duration: 10 minutes
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
Effect:  A sleep spell causes a magical slumber to come upon 4 HD of creatures. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. Among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to the spell's point of origin are affected first. HD that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action [an application of the aid another action]. Sleep does not target unconscious creatures, constructs, or undead creatures.
Source:  CR p.344
Target Area:   One or more living creatures within a 10-ft.-radius burst
Caster Level:   10
Unbreakable Heart
DC: 18
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Enchantment
Effect:  Creature gains +4 morale bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects that rely on negative emotions or that would force him to harm an ally. Supresses such effects already in place.
Source:  ISWG p.296
Target Area:   One creature
Caster Level:   10
Unseen Servant
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 hours
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: No
School: Conjuration
Effect:  An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at your command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so as long as you remain within range. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective Strength score of 2 [so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds]. It can trigger traps and such, but it can exert only 20 pounds of force, which is not enough to activate certain pressure plates and other devices. It can't perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 10 or that requires a check using a skill that can't be used untrained. This servant cannot fly, climb, or even swim [though it can walk on water]. Its base speed is 15 feet. The servant cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll. It cannot be killed, but it dissipates if it takes 6 points of damage from area attacks. [It gets no saves against attacks.] If you attempt to send it beyond the spell's range [measured from your current position], the servant ceases to exist.
Source:  CR p.364
Target Area:   One invisible, mindless, shapeless servant
Caster Level:   10
Urban Grace
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Transmutation
Effect:  You become one with the city around you, allowing you to move more easily through its crowds and buildings. For the duration of this spell, your base land speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, it does not cost you 2 squares of movement to enter a square with crowds, though the crowd still provides cover to you. This ability does not allow you to enter the space of enemy creatures without making the appropriate Acrobatics check. In addition, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on Acrobatics checks made to move across uneven urban surfaces, such as roofs and broken pavement, and on Climb checks made to scale walls and other artificial surfaces. Whenever you make an Acrobatics check to make a long jump between two buildings or artificial structures, you are always treated as if you had a running start, regardless of the actual distance traveled.
Source:  ARG p.49
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Wizened Appearance
DC: 18
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 hours
Rng: Touch
Comp: V,S
SR: Yes
School: Transmutation
Effect:  You polymorph your target to look like an older version of itself. You select how much older [for example, �10 years older� or �as an adult�]. You can't otherwise change the target's appearance other than those details directly associated with aging [for example, a target's hair might turn gray or the target might develop liver spots]. This spell allows children of creatures that are Medium or smaller when fully grown to grow one size category to the normal, adult size of that type of creature, but otherwise the selected age increase doesn't alter the creature's size. A change in size doesn't alter the target's ability scores. This spell doesn't affect or cause any age-based modifications to ability scores or other age-related effects like dragon age categories or natural metamorphoses. Wizened appearance and youthful appearance counter and dispel each other.
Source:  UI p.229
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Youthful Appearance
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 hours
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
School: Transmutation
Effect:  You make your target look like a younger version of itself. You select how much younger it looks [for example, �10 years� or �as a young adult�]. You cannot otherwise change details of the target�s appearance other than those directly associated with aging [for example, gray hair returns to its original color]. The target cannot appear so much younger that it changes size. This spell does not affect any age-based modifications to ability scores or other age-related effects.
Source:  UM p.249
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
DC: 18
Save: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 minutes [D]
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, F
SR: No
School: Illusion
Effect:  You can make your voice [or any sound that you can normally make vocally] seem to issue from someplace else. You can speak in any language you know. With respect to such voices and sounds, anyone who hears the sound and rolls a successful save recognizes it as illusory [but still hears it].
Source:  CR p.365
Target Area:   Intelligible sound, usually speech
Caster Level:   10
Aggressive Thundercloud
DC: 19
Save: Reflex negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: yes
School: Evocation
Effect:  A crackling, spherical storm cloud flies in whichever direction you point and deals electricity damage to those it strikes. It has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability. If it enters a space that contains a creature, the storm stops moving for the round and deals 3d6 points of electricity damage to that creature, though a successful Reflex save negates that damage. It provides concealment [20% miss chance] to anything within it, and its flickering light illuminates the same area a candle would. The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it [as a move action for you]; otherwise, it stays at rest and crackles with lightning. It can be moved by wind effects and counts as a Small creature for the purpose of determining how winds affect it. The sphere has no physical substance and cannot exert any force on corporeal creatures or objects. It disperses if it exceeds the spell's range.
Source:  ACG p.172
Target Area:   5-ft.-diameter sphere
Caster Level:   10
Alter Self
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
School: Transmutation
Effect:  When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, and swim 30 feet. Small creature: If the form you take is that of a Small humanoid, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Dexterity. Medium creature: If the form you take is that of a Medium humanoid, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength.
Source:  CR p.240
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Time: 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M, F
School: Divination
Effect:  An augury can tell you whether a particular action will bring good or bad results for you in the immediate future. The base chance for receiving a meaningful reply is 70% + 1% per caster level, to a maximum of 90%; this roll is made secretly. A question may be so straightforward that a successful result is automatic, or so vague as to have no chance of success. If the augury succeeds, you get one of four results: . Weal [if the action will probably bring good results]. . Woe [for bad results]. . Weal and woe [for both]. . Nothing [for actions that don't have especially good or bad results]. If the spell fails, you get the "nothing" result. A cleric who gets the "nothing" result has no way to tell whether it was the consequence of a failed or successful augury. The augury can see into the future only about half an hour, so anything that might happen after that does not affect the result. Thus, the result might not take into account the longterm consequences of a contemplated action. All auguries cast by the same person about the same topic use the same die result as the first casting.
Source:  CR p.245
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: S, DF
School: Divination
Effect:  When you're in the form of an animal [such as when you are using wild shape or are affected by a polymorph effect], you can speak normally, including when you cast spells with verbal components, and you sound like your normal self when you speak. You can cast this spell while in animal form, using animal-appropriate somatic components.
Source:  ACG p.175
Target Area:   you
Caster Level:   10
DC: 21
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Permanent [D]
Rng: Medium (210 ft.)
Comp: V
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You call upon the powers of unlife to render the subject blinded or deafened, as you choose.
Source:  CR p.250
Target Area:   One living creature
Caster Level:   11
Burning Gaze
Save: Fortitude negates (see text)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: Yes
School: Evocation, FireSchool
Effect:  Your eyes burn like hot coals, allowing you to set objects or foes alight with a glance. As a standard action as long as this spell's effects persist, you may direct your burning gaze against a single creature or object within 30 feet of your location. Targeted creatures must succeed at a Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of fire damage. Unattended objects do not get a save. Creatures damaged by the spell must make a Reflex save or catch fire. Each round, burning creatures may attempt a Reflex save to quench the flames; failure results in another 1d6 points of fire damage. Flammable items worn by a creature must also save or take the same damage as the creature. If a creature or object is already on fire, it suffers no additional effects from burning gaze. Note that this spell does not grant an actual gaze attack- foes and allies are not in danger of catching on fire simply by meeting your gaze.
Source:  APG p.208
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
DC: 19
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes or until expended
Rng: Long (800 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M (crushed grasshopper)
SR: yes (harmless)
School: Conjuration
Effect:  If your familiar takes hit point damage while within range of this spell, it immediately teleports to your space after the damage is applied. If it's killed, its corpse teleports instead. Optionally, you can specify a number of points of damage for your familiar to take before the spell takes effect. Once the familiar has teleported back to you, the spell ends.
Source:  FF p.22
Target Area:   Your familiar
Caster Level:   10
Conditional Favor
DC: 19
Save: None; see text
Time: 1 swift action
Duration: 10 days [D]
Rng: See text
Comp: V
SR: Yes
School: Abjuration
Effect:  You must cast this spell immediately before casting another spell on the same creature, eliciting a promise or warning against a behavior and binding the target to the paired spell. If you don't cast a paired spell, conditional favor has no effect. The paired spell must be from the abjuration, conjuration [healing], enchantment, or transmutation school or subschool, and must be cast on a willing creature. If the spell's recipient violates the oath or prohibition while conditional favor remains in effect, the paired spell is undone as if never cast. If the spell was a healing spell, the hit point damage or condition you removed returns immediately, even if the subject has enjoyed subsequent rest or healing. Poisons, diseases, curses, restored ability damage, and negative levels removed by the paired spell return as well. Conditional favor recognizes the spirit of your condition and doesn't trigger a violation due to unintended consequences or circumstances that the subject could not predict with her current knowledge of the situation. For instance, if the prohibition prevented the subject from laying a finger on royalty, touching a disguised prince would not count as a violation if the subject did not recognize the prince, nor would touching a member of royalty while dominated. The subject of the spell intuitively knows beforehand whether an action will cause it to lose the paired spell's benefit.
Source:  UI p.206
Target Area:   One creature
Caster Level:   10
Cure Moderate Wounds
DC: 19
Save: Will half (harmless) or Will half; see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless) or yes; see text
School: Conjuration
Effect:  This spell functions like cure light wounds, except that it cures 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level [maximum +10].
Source:  CR p.263
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Detect Magic (Greater)
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes [D]
Rng: 60 ft.
Comp: V,S
SR: No
School: Divination
Effect:  This spell functions as detect magic, except that you can glean much more information from the magical auras that you find, and those auras can be found after a much greater length of time. You can detect a lingering aura for up to 10 days, regardless of the aura's original strength. Additionally, when you use a standard action to concentrate on this spell, you can also study a creature within the spell's area and attempt a Spellcraft check in order to determine the last spell that the creature cast by identifying lingering traces that the spell left in the caster's aura. The DC to identify the spell is equal to 20 + the creature's caster level. Finally, you are able to locate and analyze the signature flourishes in a magical aura that allow you to match a spell to the person who cast it. In order to find these identifiers in a spell's aura, you must spend 1 round focusing on that spell in particular, and succeed at an opposed Knowledge [arcana] check against the caster [or a Knowledge [arcana] check with a DC equal to 15 + the spell level if the caster wants her work to be identified and emphasizes these unique elements rather than obscuring them]. Once you learn a caster's set of identifiers, you can remember them as easily as a face or a voice. You can recognize this signature if you succeed at a Spellcraft check when later identifying a spell to determine whether or not that spell was cast by the same individual. The spell greater magic aura can obfuscate this information, making it seem that someone else cast the spell. Greater detect magic grants a saving throw against magic aura [but not greater magic aura].
Source:  UI p.212
Target Area:   Cone-shaped emanation
Caster Level:   10
Eldritch Conduit
DC: 19
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Transmutation

Originally created by a disciple of the archwizard Nex, this spell was used to turn enemy soldiers in Geb's undead armies into conduits capable of blasting spell energy back into the far reaches of the Gebite lines. Since then, it has become a favorite among arcane casters with an understanding of battlefield tactics.

If the target of this spell fails to resist its effects with a Will save, he becomes outlined in faint radiance, as if via faerie fire. At any time before the eldritch conduit expires, you may cast another spell with an area effect of cone, cylinder, line, or sphere and use the subject of the eldritch conduit as the point of origin for that spell. Doing so ends the spell immediately. The target must be within close range 0 in order for you to use the conduit-if the target moves out of range, the eldritch conduit effect persists but cannot be utilized by you until you get back within range.

Source:  ISM p.54
Target Area:   One creature
Caster Level:   10
Enshroud Thoughts
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration
Effect:  Ward yourself against thought detection and memory alteration.
Source:  OA p.169
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
False Life
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 hours or until discharged; see text
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You harness the power of unlife to grant yourself a limited ability to avoid death. While this spell is in effect, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + 1 per caster level [maximum +10].
Source:  CR p.280
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   11
Familiar Figment
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Illusion
Effect:  Single mirror image for your familiar.
Source:  AnAr p.22
Target Area:   your familiar
Caster Level:   10
DC: 19
Save: Will negates (blinding only)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M (ground mica)
SR: No
School: Conjuration, EarthSchool
Effect:  A cloud of golden particles covers everyone and everything in the area, causing creatures to become blinded and visibly outlining invisible things for the duration of the spell. All within the area are covered by the dust, which cannot be removed and continues to sparkle until it fades. Each round at the end of their turn blinded creatures may attempt new saving throws to end the blindness effect. Any creature covered by the dust takes a -40 penalty on Stealth checks.
Source:  CR p.290
Target Area:   Creatures and objects within 10-ft.-radius spread
Caster Level:   10
Inflict Moderate Wounds
DC: 21
Save: Will half
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  This spell functions like inflict light wounds, except that you deal 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level [maximum +10].
Source:  CR p.300
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   11
Investigative Mind
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes or until discharged
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
School: Enchantment
Effect:  Your mind is able to correlate information effectively. When attempting an Appraise, Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft check, you can roll twice and take the higher result. If you have an ability that allows you to roll twice, you cannot use that ability and this benefit on the same roll. The spell is discharged once you have used its benefit a number of times equal to your caster level.
Source:  ACG p.185
Target Area:   you
Caster Level:   10
Life Pact
DC: 21
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 minutes
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, DF/M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You bind the life forces of the targets into a mystical pact. If any target is reduced to fewer than 0 hit points, that target automatically triggers the power of the pact. The triggering target drains 1 hit point from all other targets who have at least 1 hit point and are within 30 feet of the triggering target; these hit points are applied to the triggering target as magical healing. This healing can prevent the triggering creature from dying, if the attack would cause the target's to have an amount of negative hit points equal to its Constitution score. This healing cannot raise the triggering creature above 1 hit point; any excess hit points drained from other targets are wasted. The pact can be triggered once per round. It's not triggered by death effects or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
Source:  ACG p.186
Target Area:   11 willing living creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Caster Level:   11
DC: 21
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  A rare spell without verbal components, lipstitch sews thetarget's lips tightly together if it fails a saving throw, such that no clear speech, bite attacks, spellcasting, or use of command words is possible. The target takes 1d6 points of damage as the stitches weave through flesh. The victim can still make enough noise to be heard at a distance with a DC 10 Perception check. The thread created by lipstitch can be burst with a DC 20 Strength check as a standard action or can be sliced open with a piercing or slashing weapon [wielded by the target or an ally] as a full-round action. Cutting the thread provokes attacks of opportunity, while making a Strength check does not. Either option causes 1d6 points of damage and 1 point of bleed damage. The target has a 20% chance of failing to cast spells with verbal components until the bleeding is stopped. The effects of multiple castings of this spell do not stack. Optionally, the thread can be removed more carefully over the course of a minute with a DC 20 Heal check. If the check fails, the target takes damage and bleeds as described above. If the check succeeds, the stitches are removed with no harm. Creatures with no mouths are unaffected by lipstitch. Creatures with multiple mouths lose the use of only one mouth per casting-the particular mouth is chosen by the caster.
Source:  PFSFG p.57
Target Area:   One creature
Caster Level:   11
Merge with Familiar
DC: 19
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 hours
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Transmutation
Effect:  You create a duplicate of a familiar. The familiar's master can use the duplicate as if it were his familiar in all respects, though he doesn't gain the bonus special ability from more than one familiar at a time. When the spell's duration expires, the familiar duplicate shrivels into nothing, even if petrified or otherwise transformed.
Source:  FF p.23
Target Area:   your familiar
Caster Level:   10
Raven's Flight
Time: 1 swift action
Duration: 1 round
Rng: Personal
Comp: V
School: Transmutation
Effect:  You can cast this spell only if it is the first action you take on your turn. In a burst of shadowy feathers, you turn into a Tiny blurred shape reminiscent of a black raven until the beginning of your next turn. You gain a fly speed of 50 feet with good maneuverability, and apply appropriate size modifiers [though your ability scores don't change]. Until the beginning of your next turn, you can take only the 5-foot step, move, run, or withdraw actions. If the spell is dispelled while you are still aloft, the power of flight dissipates slowly; you float downward 60 feet on your next turn, then fall any remaining distance.
Source:  HotW p.31
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
DC: 21
Save: Will partial
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 rounds or 1 round; see text for cause fear
Rng: Medium (210 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  This spell functions like cause fear, except that it causes all targeted creatures of less than 6 HD to become frightened.
Source:  CR p.336
Target Area:   3 living creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Caster Level:   11
See Invisibility
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
School: Divination, VoidElementalSchool
Effect:  You can see any objects or beings that are invisible within your range of vision, as well as any that are ethereal, as if they were normally visible. Such creatures are visible to you as translucent shapes, allowing you easily to discern the difference between visible, invisible, and ethereal creatures. The spell does not reveal the method used to obtain invisibility. It does not reveal illusions or enable you to see through opaque objects. It does not reveal creatures who are simply hiding, concealed, or otherwise hard to see. See invisibility can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source:  CR p.339
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Stricken Heart
DC: 21
Save: none
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  This spell covers your hand with a writhing black aura. As part of casting the spell, you can make a melee touch attack that deals 2d6 points of negative energy damage and causes the target to be staggered for 1 round. If the attack is a critical hit, the target is staggered for 1 minute instead. Creatures immune to precision damage are immune to the staggered effect.
Source:  ACG p.194 SOURCELINK:
Target Area:   creature touched
Caster Level:   11
Summon Monster II
Save: None
Time: 1 round
Duration: 10 rounds [D]
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F/DF
SR: No
School: Conjuration, AirSchool, EarthSchool, FireSchool, WaterSchool
Effect:  This spell functions like summon monster I, except that you can summon one creature from the 2nd-level list or 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 1st-level list.
Source:  CR p.352
Target Area:   One summoned creature
Caster Level:   10
Touch of Idiocy
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
Effect:  With a touch, you reduce the target's mental faculties. Your successful melee touch attack applies a 1d6 penalty to the target's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. This penalty can't reduce any of these scores below 1. This spell's effect may make it impossible for the target to cast some or all of its spells, if the requisite ability score drops below the minimum required to cast spells of that level.
Source:  CR p.360
Target Area:   Living creature touched
Caster Level:   10
DC: 19
Save: Reflex negates; see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes [D]
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: No
School: Conjuration
Effect:  Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands. These strands trap those caught in them. The strands are similar to spiderwebs but far larger and tougher. These masses must be anchored to two or more solid and diametrically opposed points or else the web collapses upon itself and disappears. Creatures caught within a web become grappled by the sticky fibers. Attacking a creature in a web doesn't cause you to become grappled. Anyone in the effect's area when the spell is cast must make a Reflex save. If this save succeeds, the creature is inside the web but is otherwise unaffected. If the save fails, the creature gains the grappled condition, but can break free by making a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check as a standard action against the DC of this spell. The entire area of the web is considered difficult terrain. Anyone moving through the webs must make a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check as part of their move action, with a DC equal to the spell's DC. Creatures that fail lose their movement and become grappled in the first square of webbing that they enter. If you have at least 5 feet of web between you and an opponent, it provides cover. If you have at least 20 feet of web between you, it provides total cover. The strands of a web spell are flammable. A flaming weapon can slash them away as easily as a hand brushes away cobwebs. Any fire can set the webs alight and burn away one 5-foot square in 1 round. All creatures within flaming webs take 2d4 points of fire damage from the flames. Web can be made permanent with a permanency spell. A permanent web that is damaged [but not destroyed] regrows in 10 minutes.
Source:  CR p.368
Target Area:   Webs in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Caster Level:   10
DC: 19
Save: Will negates; see text or none (object)
Time: 1 round
Duration: 10 rounds [D]
Rng: Long (800 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes; see text or no (object)
School: Illusion
Effect:  Upon the casting of this spell, complete silence prevails in the affected area. All sound is stopped: Conversation is impossible, spells with verbal components cannot be cast, and no noise whatsoever issues from, enters, or passes through the area. The spell can be cast on a point in space, but the effect is stationary unless cast on a mobile object. The spell can be centered on a creature, and the effect then radiates from the creature and moves as it moves. An unwilling creature can attempt a Will save to negate the spell and can use spell resistance, if any. Items in a creature's possession or magic items that emit sound receive the benefits of saves and spell resistance, but unattended objects and points in space do not. Creatures in an area of a silence spell are immune to sonic or language-based attacks, spells, and effects.
Source:  CR p.343
Target Area:   20-ft.-radius emanation centered on a creature, object, or point in space
Caster Level:   10
Arcane Sight
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
School: Divination, VoidElementalSchool
Effect:  This spell makes your eyes glow blue and allows you to see magical auras within 120 feet of you. The effect is similar to that of a detect magic spell, but arcane sight does not require concentration and discerns aura location and power more quickly. You know the location and power of all magical auras within your sight. An aura's power depends on a spell's functioning level or an item's caster level, as noted in the description of the detect magic spell. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Spellcraft skill checks to determine the school of magic involved in each. [Make one check per aura; DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + half caster level for a nonspell effect.] If you concentrate on a specific creature within 120 feet of you as a standard action, you can determine whether it has any spellcasting or spell-like abilities, whether these are arcane or divine [spell-like abilities register as arcane], and the strength of the most powerful spell or spell-like ability the creature currently has available for use. As with detect magic, you can use this spell to identify the properties of magic items, but not artifacts. Arcane sight can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source:  CR p.244
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Aura Sight
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
School: Divination
Effect:  This spell makes your eyes glow and allows you to see alignment auras within 120 feet of you. The effect is similar to that of a detect chaos/evil/good/law spell, but aura sight does not require concentration, and it discerns an aura's location and power more quickly. You know the location and power of all chaotic, evil, good, and lawful auras within your sight. An aura's power depends on a creature's Hit Dice or an item's caster level, as noted in the description of the detect evil spell. If an item or a creature bearing an aura is in line of sight, you can attempt a Knowledge [religion] check to determine the aura's strength [one check per aura; DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + 1/2 caster level for a non-spell effect]. Aura sight can be made permanent with a permanency spell by a caster of 11th level or higher at a cost of 7,500 gp.
Source:  ACG p.174
Target Area:   you
Caster Level:   10
Barrow Haze
DC: 22
Save: none
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 minutes
Rng: Medium (210 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: no
School: Necromancy
Effect:  Barrow haze creates a bank of fog similar to that created by fog cloud, except that the vapors are black and they have a necromantic link to you. The vapors do not interfere with your vision. Because of your link to the haze, if any part of it is within 30 feet of you, any creatures within the haze count as in range for the purpose of using any of your hexes that have a maximum range of 30 feet. For example, suppose you have the slumber hex, you are 25 feet from one edge of the haze, and an opponent is 40 feet farther away at the other extreme of the cloud. You can use your slumber hex on that opponent even though it is actually 65 feet away from you.
Source:  ACG p.174
Target Area:   fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Caster Level:   11
Bestow Curse
DC: 22
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Permanent
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You place a curse on the subject. Choose one of the following. . -6 decrease to an ability score [minimum 1]. . -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. . Each turn, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action. You may also invent your own curse, but it should be no more powerful than those described above. The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell. Bestow curse counters remove curse.
Source:  CR p.247
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   11
Call the Void
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
School: Evocation, VoidElementalSchool
Effect:  This spell surrounds you with an aura of nothingness that channels the mysterious energies of the Dark Tapestry. Creatures adjacent to you when this spell is cast and at the start of your turn take 2d6 points of damage. In addition, creatures affected by your aura are fatigued, cannot breathe, and cannot speak or cast spells with somatic components. Creatures adjacent to you are allowed a Reflex save to halve the damage and negate the fatigue effect, but cannot breathe or speak regardless of whether their save is successful as long as they are adjacent to you.
Source:  DEP p.29
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Dispel Magic
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Abjuration, VoidElementalSchool
Effect:  You can use dispel magic to end one ongoing spell that has been cast on a creature or object, to temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, or to counter another spellcaster's spell. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. Some spells, as detailed in their descriptions, can't be defeated by dispel magic. Dispel magic can dispel [but not counter] spell-like effects just as it does spells. The effect of a spell with an instantaneous duration can't be dispelled, because the magical effect is already over before the dispel magic can take effect. You choose to use dispel magic in one of two ways: a targeted dispel or a counterspell. Targeted Dispel: One object, creature, or spell is the target of the dispel magic spell. You make one dispel check [1d20 + your caster level] and compare that to the spell with highest caster level [DC = 11 + the spell's caster level]. If successful, that spell ends. If not, compare the same result to the spell with the next highest caster level. Repeat this process until you have dispelled one spell affecting the target, or you have failed to dispel every spell. For example, a 7th-level caster casts dispel magic, targeting a creature affected by stoneskin [caster level 12th] and fly [caster level 6th]. The caster level check results in a 19. This check is not high enough to end the stoneskin [which would have required a 23 or higher], but it is high enough to end the fly [which only required a 17]. Had the dispel check resulted in a 23 or higher, the stoneskin would have been dispelled, leaving the fly intact. Had the dispel check been a 16 or less, no spells would have been affected. You can also use a targeted dispel to specifically end one spell affecting the target or one spell affecting an area [such as a wall of fire]. You must name the specific spell effect to be targeted in this way. If your caster level check is equal to or higher than the DC of that spell, it ends. No other spells or effects on the target are dispelled if your check is not high enough to end the targeted effect. If you target an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell [such as a monster summoned by summon monster], you make a dispel check to end the spell that conjured the object or creature. If the object that you target is a magic item, you make a dispel check against the item's caster level [DC = 11 + the item's caster level]. If you succeed, all the item's magical properties are suppressed for 1d4 rounds, after which the item recovers its magical properties. A suppressed item becomes nonmagical for the duration of the effect. An interdimensional opening [such as a bag of holding] is temporarily closed. A magic item's physical properties are unchanged: A suppressed magic sword is still a sword [a masterwork sword, in fact]. Artifacts and deities are unaffected by mortal magic such as this. You automatically succeed on your dispel check against any spell that you cast yourself. Counterspell: When dispel magic is used in this way, the spell targets a spellcaster and is cast as a counterspell. Unlike a true counterspell, however, dispel magic may not work; you must make a dispel check to counter the other spellcaster's spell.
Source:  CR p.272
Target Area:   One spellcaster, creature, or object
Caster Level:   10
DC: 20
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Enchantment
Effect:  This spell imbues a single creature with great bravery and morale in battle. The target gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Source:  CR p.295
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Howling Agony
DC: 22
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 rounds
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You send wracking pains through the targets� bodies. Because of the pain, affected creatures take a �2 penalty to AC, attacks, melee damage rolls, and Reflex saving throws, and must succeed at a concentration check [DC equal to the DC of this spell] to cast spells. However, if an affected creature spends a move action screaming as loudly as possible, it can act without any other penalties for the remainder of its turn. �Screaming,� for the purposes of this spell, includes any vocalization of pain or its telepathic equivalent; creatures that cannot scream [such as creatures without the natural ability to communicate or vocalize] suffer the full effect of the spell.
Source:  UM p.223
Target Area:   11 living creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Caster Level:   11
Lightning Bolt
DC: 20
Save: Reflex half
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: 120 ft.
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Evocation, AirSchool
Effect:  You release a powerful stroke of electrical energy that deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level [maximum 10d6] to each creature within its area. The bolt begins at your fingertips. The lightning bolt sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in its path. It can melt metals with a low melting point, such as lead, gold, copper, silver, or bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the bolt may continue beyond the barrier if the spell's range permits; otherwise, it stops at the barrier just as any other spell effect does.
Source:  CR p.304
Target Area:   120-ft. line
Caster Level:   10
Paragon Surge
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 minutes
Rng: Personal [half-elf only]
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Transmutation
Effect:  You surge with ancestral power, temporarily embodying all the strengths of both elvenkind and humankind simultaneously, and transforming into a paragon of both races, something greater than elf or human alone. Unlike with most polymorph effects, your basic form does not change, so you keep all extraordinary and supernatural abilities of your half-elven form as well as all of your gear. For the duration of the spell, you receive a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence and are treated as if you possessed any one feat for which you meet the prerequisites, chosen when you cast this spell. The first time each day that you cast this spell, you must select a feat and make all the associated choices that come with it. Once that choice is made, it is set for the day and additional castings must make the exact same decisions.
Source:  ARG p.48
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Phantasmal Affliction
DC: 20
Save: Will disbelief, then Fortitude or Will negates; see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: See text
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V,S,M
SR: Yes
School: Illusion
Effect:  You cause the creature to believe she has a debilitating affliction. The target can attempt a Will save to recognize the affliction as unreal. If that save fails, the creature suffers an imaginary affliction of your choice. Curse: The target believes she has been cursed. She takes a permanent �4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks for 10 hours. After her save to disbelieve, the target attempts a second Will save to negate this effect. Poison: The target believes she has been poisoned. Choose a physical ability score. Each round for 8 rounds the target takes 1d3 points of damage to the chosen ability score. Each turn, the creature can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the damage and end the ongoing damage. Wasting: The target believes she has contracted a wasting disease. Each day, the creature takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage and becomes fatigued. A successful Fortitude save prevents this damage. Two consecutive successful saves end the effect. Since the affliction exists entirely in the creature's mind, phantasmal affliction is not affected by normal cures like neutralize poison or remove disease, or other effects like delay poison or the Heal skill. Ordinary immunities do not apply in this case [though a creature immune to the affliction receives a +4 bonus on the Will save to disbelieve the illusion]. Constitution damage from the affliction can't kill the target. Instead, it causes the target to fall unconscious like other forms of ability damage. Phantasmal affliction is a spell effect and can be dispelled normally. Placebo effect counters and dispels phantasmal affliction.
Source:  UI p.221
Target Area:   Living creature
Caster Level:   10
Polymorph Familiar
DC: 20
Save: none
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 minutes [D]
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: yes (harmless)
School: Transmutation
Effect:  This spell functions as beast shape I, except it grants your familiar the form of any Small animal. Your familiar retains all of its special abilities and continues to grant you the special ability associated with its normal shape [such as a bat familiar's bonus on Fly checks]. At caster level 7th, this spell functions as beast shape II. At caster level 9th, it functions as beast shape III. At caster level 11th, it functions as beast shape IV.
Source:  ACG p.190
Target Area:   your familiar
Caster Level:   10
Ray of Exhaustion
DC: 22
Save: Fortitude partial; see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 minutes
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  A black ray projects from your pointing finger. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to strike a target. The subject is immediately exhausted for the spell's duration. A successful Fortitude save means the creature is only fatigued. A character that is already fatigued instead becomes exhausted. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already exhausted. Unlike normal exhaustion or fatigue, the effect ends as soon as the spell's duration expires.
Source:  CR p.330
Target Area:   Ray
Caster Level:   11
Remove Curse
DC: 20
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration
Effect:  Remove curse can remove all curses on an object or a creature. If the target is a creature, you must make a caster level check [1d20 + caster level] against the DC of each curse affecting the target. Success means that the curse is removed. Remove curse does not remove the curse from a cursed shield, weapon, or suit of armor, although a successful caster level check enables the creature afflicted with any such cursed item to remove and get rid of it. Remove curse counters and dispels bestow curse.
Source:  CR p.332
Target Area:   Creature or object touched
Caster Level:   10
Remove Disease
DC: 20
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Conjuration
Effect:  Remove disease can cure all diseases from which the subject is suffering. You must make a caster level check [1d20 + caster level] against the DC of each disease affecting the target. Success means that the disease is cured. The spell also kills some hazards and parasites, including green slime and others. Since the spell's duration is instantaneous, it does not prevent reinfection after a new exposure to the same disease at a later date.
Source:  CR p.332
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Sands of Time
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 110 minutes or instantaneous [See text]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You temporarily age the target, immediately advancing it to the next age category. The target immediately takes the age penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for its new age category, but does not gain the bonuses for that category. A creature whose age is unknown is treated as if the spell advances it to middle age. Ageless or immortal creatures are immune to this spell. If you cast this on an object, construct, or undead creature, it takes 3d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level 15 as time weathers and corrodes it. This version of the spell has an instantaneous duration.
Source:  UM p.236
Target Area:   Touched creature or object
Caster Level:   11
Share Senses
DC: 20
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 full round
Duration: 10 minutes [D]
Rng: Long (800 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Divination
Effect:  Spending a moment in meditation and conjuring an image of the creature to mind, you reshape your link with your familiar, causing it to functions like a scrying sensor. Upon casting this spell you can hear, see, or smell [any one, your choice] what your familiar is experiencing. You gain the benefits of any nonmagical special abilities your familiar has tied to the chosen sense [such as low-light vision or scent], but use your own Perception skill. You don't need line of sight or line of effect to your familiar, but you must have an active empathic link. You may change the sense you are sharing as a standard action. Unlike other scrying spells, share senses does not allow magically or supernaturally enhanced senses to work through it, and you are unable to see in magical or natural darkness unless your familiar possesses the ability to see in such conditions. The sensory link with your familiar can be detected as though it were a scrying sensor.
Source:  APG p.243
Target Area:   Your familiar
Caster Level:   10
DC: 22
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Necromancy
Effect:  Ithuna Vardsdottir claims to have unearthed this ancient prayer in a ruined temple of Desna, though Pathfinders have reported the use of similar magic in Irrisen among the White Witches. While the name of this spell is sharesister, it works equally well on male or female creatures-both targets of the spell must simply be of the same gender. When you deliver the spell, you receive a negative level for the duration of the spell, and the other target receives a +1 insight bonus to her caster level and a +1 insight bonus to the save DCs of all of her spells. At 11th level, you can opt to take four negative levels to grant a +2 insight bonus to the other target's caster level and spell save DCs if you wish, while at 17th level you can take 6 negative levels to increase the insight bonus to +3. Any effect that removes or prevents the negative level immediately ends the sharesister spell. Negative levels received from the spell vanish as soon as this spell effect ends. Negative levels from multiple castings of this spell stack.
Source:  PFSFG p.58
Target Area:   You and one creature of your gender
Caster Level:   11
Siphon Might
DC: 22
Save: Fortitude half
Time: 1 round
Duration: 11 rounds
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V,S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You drain the might of the target and transfer that power to another creature. The subject takes a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6 + 5. This effect can't cause the subject's Strength score to drop below 1. A successful Fortitude save halves this penalty. This penalty doesn't stack with itself or the penalty applied from ray of enfeeblement. You can grant any one creature adjacent to you [including yourself] an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to the Strength penalty imposed by this spell.
Source:  GHH p.27
Target Area:   One creature
Caster Level:   11
Speak with Dead
DC: 22
Save: Will negates; see text
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 11 minutes
Rng: 10 ft.
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: No
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You grant the semblance of life to a corpse, allowing it to answer questions. You may ask one question per two caster levels. The corpse's knowledge is limited to what it knew during life, including the languages it spoke. Answers are brief, cryptic, or repetitive, especially if the creature would have opposed you in life. If the dead creature's alignment was different from yours, the corpse gets a Will save to resist the spell as if it were alive. If successful, the corpse can refuse to answer your questions or attempt to deceive you, using Bluff. The soul can only speak about what it knew in life. It cannot answer any questions that pertain to events that occurred after its death. If the corpse has been subject to speak with dead within the past week, the new spell fails. You can cast this spell on a corpse that has been deceased for any amount of time, but the body must be mostly intact to be able to respond. A damaged corpse may be able to give partial answers or partially correct answers, but it must at least have a mouth in order to speak at all. This spell does not affect a corpse that has been turned into an undead creature.
Source:  CR p.346
Target Area:   One dead creature
Caster Level:   11
Summon Monster III
Save: None
Time: 1 round
Duration: 10 rounds [D]
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F/DF
SR: No
School: Conjuration
Effect:  This spell functions like summon monster I, except that you can summon one creature from the 3rd-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 2nd-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from the 1st-level list.
Source:  CR p.352
Target Area:   One summoned creature
Caster Level:   10
DC: 20
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, M/DF
SR: No
School: Divination
Effect:  This spell grants the creature touched the ability to speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature, whether it is a racial tongue or a regional dialect. The subject can speak only one language at a time, although it may be able to understand several languages. Tongues does not enable the subject to speak with creatures who don't speak. The subject can make itself understood as far as its voice carries. This spell does not predispose any creature addressed toward the subject in any way. Tongues can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Source:  CR p.360
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
DC: 20
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Transmutation
Effect:  The transmuted creatures move and act more quickly than normal. This extra speed has several effects. When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack with any weapon he is holding. The attack is made using the creature's full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. [This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a speed weapon, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so you can't use it to cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round.] A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Any condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class [if any] also makes you lose dodge bonuses. All of the hasted creature's modes of movement [including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim] increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for increased speed. Multiple haste effects don't stack. Haste dispels and counters slow.
Source:  CR p.293
Target Area:   10 creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Caster Level:   10
Black Tentacles
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds [D]
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: No
School: Conjuration
Effect:  This spell causes a field of rubbery black tentacles to appear, burrowing up from the floor and reaching for any creature in the area. Every creature within the area of the spell is the target of a combat maneuver check made to grapple each round at the beginning of your turn, including the round that black tentacles is cast. Creatures that enter the area of effect are also automatically attacked. The tentacles do not provoke attacks of opportunity. When determining the tentacles' CMB, the tentacles use your caster level as their base attack bonus and receive a +4 bonus due to their Strength and a +1 size bonus. Roll only once for the entire spell effect each round and apply the result to all creatures in the area of effect. If the tentacles succeed in grappling a foe, that foe takes 1d6+4 points of damage and gains the grappled condition. Grappled opponents cannot move without first breaking the grapple. All other movement is prohibited unless the creature breaks the grapple first. The black tentacles spell receives a +5 bonus on grapple checks made against opponents it is already grappling, but cannot move foes or pin foes. Each round that black tentacles succeeds on a grapple check, it deals an additional 1d6+4 points of damage. The CMD of black tentacles, for the purposes of escaping the grapple, is equal to 10 + its CMB. The tentacles created by this spell cannot be damaged, but they can be dispelled as normal. The entire area of effect is considered difficult terrain while the tentacles last.
Source:  CR p.248
Target Area:   20-ft.-radius spread
Caster Level:   10
Conditional Curse
DC: 23
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Permanent; see text
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V,S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  This spell functions as bestow curse, except that you must state a condition under which the curse is broken, ending its effect. An intelligent target, even one of animal intelligence, innately understands this condition even if it doesn't understand your language. The condition must be possible for the target to bring about within a year and a day without ensuring its own death and stated in 25 or fewer words. The curse is more difficult to remove via magic. The DC to remove conditional curse with break enchantment or remove curse increases by 5.
Source:  UI p.206
Target Area:   One creature
Caster Level:   11
Conjuration Foil
DC: 21
Save: Will half; see text
Time: 1 immediate action
Duration: 1 round
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: S
SR: Yes
School: Abjuration
Effect:  All creatures in the area gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against teleportation effects. If any creature would enter or depart the area via a summoning or teleportation effect, that creature takes 1d6 points of damage per spell level of the triggering effect [or half the HD of the originating creature if the effect has no spell level] and arrives in a random similar location within the triggering effect's range, rather than the intended destination. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the altered destination.
Source:  UI p.207
Target Area:   20-foot radius spread
Caster Level:   10
Cure Serious Wounds
DC: 21
Save: Will half (harmless) or Will half; see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless) or yes; see text
School: Conjuration
Effect:  This spell functions like cure light wounds, except that it cures 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level [maximum +15].
Source:  CR p.263
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Death Ward
DC: 23
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Necromancy
Effect:  The subject gains a +4 morale bonus on saves against all death spells and magical death effects. The subject is granted a save to negate such effects even if one is not normally allowed. The subject is immune to energy drain and any negative energy effects, including channeled negative energy. This spell does not remove negative levels that the subject has already gained, but it does remove the penalties from negative levels for the duration of its effect. Death ward does not protect against other sorts of attacks, even if those attacks might be lethal.
Source:  CR p.264
Target Area:   Living creature touched
Caster Level:   11
Debilitating Portent
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds [D] see text
Rng: Medium (200 ft.)
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
Effect:  The target is surrounded by a glowing green aura of ill fate. Each time the spell's subject makes an attack or casts a spell, it must succeed at a Will saving throw with a DC = 10 + 1/2 caster level + Charisma [in the case of oracles], Intelligence [in the case of witches], or Wisdom [in the case of clerics]. If it fails the saving throw, it deals half damage with the attack or spell. You can dismiss this spell as an immediate action when the target confirms a critical hit; doing so negates the critical hit. The attack that you negated still hits, but only deals half damage.
Source:  UC p.227
Target Area:   one creature
Caster Level:   10
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
School: Divination
Effect:  Similar to augury but more powerful, a divination spell can provide you with a useful piece of advice in reply to a question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity that is to occur within 1 week. The advice granted by the spell can be as simple as a short phrase, or it might take the form of a cryptic rhyme or omen. If your party doesn't act on the information, the conditions may change so that the information is no longer useful. The base chance for a correct divination is 70% + 1% per caster level, to a maximum of 90%. If the die roll fails, you know the spell failed, unless specific magic yielding false information is at work. As with augury, multiple divinations about the same topic by the same caster use the same dice result as the first divination spell and yield the same answer each time.
Source:  CR p.273
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You point your finger and fire a black ray of negative energy that suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes. You must make a ranged touch attack to hit. If you hit, the subject gains 1d4 temporary negative levels [see Special Abilities]. Negative levels stack. Assuming the subject survives, it regains lost levels after a number of hours equal to your caster level [maximum 15 hours]. Usually, negative levels have a chance of becoming permanent, but the negative levels from enervation don't last long enough to do so. An undead creature struck by the ray gains 1d4 ? 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour.
Source:  CR p.277
Target Area:   Ray of negative energy
Caster Level:   11
False Life, Greater
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 hours or until discharged; see text
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
School: Necromancy
Effect:  This spell functions as false life, except you gain temporary hit points equal to 2d10 + 1 point per caster level 20. The effects of this spell do not stack with those of false life.
Source:  UM p.219
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   11
Familiar Melding
DC: 23
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 hours or until you return to your body
Rng: Medium (210 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You project your soul into your familiar, taking over its body while leaving its consciousness intact. When you transfer your soul upon casting, your body is, as near as anyone can tell, dead. While possessing your familiar, you can communicate with it telepathically. You keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, alignment, and mental abilities. The familiar�s body retains its own Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, natural abilities, and automatic abilities. A body with extra limbs does not allow you to make more attacks [or more advantageous twoweapon attacks] than normal. You may use any abilities the familiar has, including spells and spell-like abilities. You cannot speak unless your familiar has the ability to speak a language. You cannot cast spells with somatic components if your familiar does not have anthropomorphic limbs that can perform the appropriate motions. As a standard action, you can return to your body as long as it is within range. If your familiar is slain while your soul is in it and your body is within range, your soul returns to your own body, unharmed. If your familiar is out of range when slain, you die. The spell ends when you shift from the familiar to your own body.
Source:  UM p.219
Target Area:   Your familiar
Caster Level:   11
DC: 23
Save: Will partial
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 rounds or 1 round; see text
Rng: 30 ft.
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  An invisible cone of terror causes each living creature in the area to become panicked unless it succeeds on a Will save. If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering. If the Will save succeeds, the creature is shaken for 1 round.
Source:  CR p.281
Target Area:   Cone-shaped burst
Caster Level:   11
Object Possession (Lesser)
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 minutes [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Necromancy
Effect:  Project your soul into an object, animating it.
Source:  OA p.179
Target Area:   Unattended Tiny or Small object
Caster Level:   11
Persistent Vigor
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 rounds [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M/DF
School: Transmutation
Effect:  You are filled with a persistent vigor. You gain fast healing 2 and are immune to bleed effects as well as the sickened and nauseated conditions. When you succeed at a saving throw against a disease or poison effect, that disease or poison effect ends [as if you had succeeded at enough saving throws to cure that effect]. If you fail a saving throw against a disease or poison effect, you can instantly dismiss this spell to reroll that saving throw with a +4 bonus; you must take the result of this reroll, even if it is lower.
Source:  ACG p.190
Target Area:   you
Caster Level:   10
Purge Spirit
DC: 23
Save: Will partial
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Medium (210 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  Deal 11d6 points of damage per level to one haunt or spirit creature and stagger it.
Source:  OA p.184
Target Area:   One creature or haunt
Caster Level:   11
Share Shape
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 10 hours [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
SR: No
School: Transmutation
Effect:  You assume a form of the same type than your animal familiar.
Source:  AnAr p.23
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Speak with Haunt
DC: 23
Save: Will negates (see text)
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 11 minutes
Rng: 10 Ft. [see text]
Comp: V, S, DF
SR: no
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You stir a haunt [Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 242] to a limited sense of awareness and consciousness, allowing it to answer questions. The spell's range must reach any square within 10 feet of the haunt's area. You must be aware of the haunt prior to casting the spell, and casting the spell does not trigger the haunt. You can ask one question per 2 caster levels. The haunt's knowledge is limited to what its original creature knew during life, including the languages it spoke. A haunt often remembers the circumstance that led to its existence [though this recollection might be from the original victim's perspective and therefore not objective], what triggers it, and how it can be laid to rest [destroyed]. Answers are brief, cryptic, or repetitive, especially if the haunt is angry and vindictive. If the haunt's alignment is more than one step away from yours, the haunt can attempt a Will save to resist the spell. A haunt's Will save modifier is equal to 3 + the haunt's CR. If the save is successful, the haunt can refuse to answer your questions or attempt to deceive you [using Bluff]. A haunt's Bluff modifier equals its CR [minimum +0] or might be determined by the GM based upon the original victim. The haunt can speak only about what it knew in life and the circumstances by which it became a haunt. It cannot answer any questions that pertain to events that occurred after it was created. A neutral or good haunt might cooperate with similarly aligned creatures in order to end its suffering. If a haunt has been subject to this spell within the past week, a new casting of this spell on it fails. You can cast this on a haunt that has been deceased for any amount of time. Unlike a corpse affected by speak with dead, a haunt wants to express itself, if only to share its pain or to cause mischief.
Source:  ACG p.193 SOURCELINK:
Target Area:   one haunt
Caster Level:   11
Time: 1 round
Duration: 10 hours [D] or until discharged
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, M
School: Abjuration
Effect:  Choose a single touch range spell of 4th level or lower with a casting time of 1 standard action or less. As part of the action of casting spite, you cast the associated spell and bind it into a defensive ward in the form of a tattoo, birthmark, or wart somewhere upon your body. The next time you are hit by a melee attack or a combat maneuver is used successfully against you, the stored spell is triggered against your foe. You do not need to succeed on a touch attack to affect the target, but in all other respects the spell is treated as though you had cast it normally. If the attacking creature is not a valid target for the spell, the stored spell is lost with no effect. You can have only one spite spell in effect at a time; if you cast this spell a second time, the previous spell effect ends.
Source:  APG p.246
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Summon Monster IV
Save: None
Time: 1 round
Duration: 10 rounds [D]
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F/DF
SR: No
School: Conjuration, AirSchool, EarthSchool, FireSchool, WaterSchool
Effect:  This spell functions like summon monster I, except that you can summon one creature from the 4th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 3rd-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from a lower-level list.
Source:  CR p.352
Target Area:   One summoned creature
Caster Level:   10
Wall of Blindness/Deafness
DC: 23
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: concentration + 11 rounds
Rng: Medium (210 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  You create a translucent wall of energy, within which can be seen indistinct images of faces with their eyes or ears sewn shut. When you create the wall, decide whether it blinds or deafens. Any creature that passes through the wall must save or become permanently blinded or deafened [as blindness/deafness]. The wall must be vertical and either rectangular or a ring. It need not touch the ground. The wall must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface is broken by any object or creature when it is cast, the spell fails.
Source:  ACG p.198
Target Area:   translucent wall 220 ft. long or a translucent ring with a radius of up to 27 ft.; either form 20 ft. high
Caster Level:   11
Threefold Aspect
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 24 hours [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: S, F
School: Transmutation
Effect:  Threefold aspect allows you to shift your appearance between your natural age and three idealized age categories: young adult 0, adulthood 0, or elderly 0. In each case, your appearance is your own at the appropriate age, rather than that of a new individual. You may change between these three aspects or your actual age as a standard action. As the young adult, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Constitution, but suffer a -2 penalty to Wisdom. In the adult aspect, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence, but take a -2 penalty to Dexterity. As the elderly aspect, you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence, but take a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. As enhancement bonuses, these stack with any bonuses or penalties you may have from your actual age [which are untyped bonuses]-the bonuses granted by this spell represent your idealized form in this threefold aspect rather than simply duplicating your ability scores at any one particular age. True seeing reveals your natural appearance overlaid with that your aspect, recognizing both as part of your true self. Individuals who study you closely and have interacted with you at another apparent age recognize a resemblance [as though family] with a successful DC 20 Perception check. Threefold aspect does not alter your clothing or equipment, and does not heal any deformity or injury unrelated to age.
Source:  APG p.249
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Break Enchantment
DC: 22
Save: See text
Time: 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Abjuration
Effect:  This spell frees victims from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. Break enchantment can reverse even an instantaneous effect. For each such effect, you make a caster level check [1d20 + caster level, maximum +15] against a DC of 11 + caster level of the effect. Success means that the creature is free of the spell, curse, or effect. For a cursed magic item, the DC is equal to the DC of the curse. If the spell is one that cannot be dispelled by dispel magic, break enchantment works only if that spell is 5th level or lower. If the effect comes from a permanent magic item, break enchantment does not remove the curse from the item, but it does free the victim from the item's effects.
Source:  CR p.251
Target Area:   Up to one creature per level, all within 30 ft. of each other
Caster Level:   10
Cure Critical Wounds
DC: 22
Save: Will half (harmless); see text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless); see text
School: Conjuration
Effect:  This spell functions like cure light wounds, except that it cures 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level [maximum +20].
Source:  CR p.262
Target Area:   Creature touched
Caster Level:   10
Curse, Major
DC: 24
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Permanent
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  This spell functions as bestow curse, except the DC to remove the curse is equal to the save DC + 5.
Source:  UM p.215
Target Area:   One creature
Caster Level:   11
Duplicate Familiar
DC: 22
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 100 minutes
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M (alchemically preserved mockingfey feathers), F (familiar)
SR: Yes
School: Conjuration
Effect:  You create a duplicate of a familiar. The familiar's master can use the duplicate as if it were his familiar in all respects, though he doesn't gain the bonus special ability from more than one familiar at a time. When the spell's duration expires, the familiar duplicate shrivels into nothing, even if petrified or otherwise transformed.
Source:  FF p.22
Target Area:   Temporary duplicate of familiar touched
Caster Level:   10
Glimpse of Truth
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 round
Rng: Personal
Comp: V,S,M
School: Divination
Effect:  This spell functions like true seeing, except as noted above. Material component; a tourmaline costing 50 gp
Source:  UI p.215
Target Area:   You
Caster Level:   10
Imbue Hex
DC: 22
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Permanent or until discharged
Rng: Touch
Comp: V,S,DF/M
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
Effect:  You transfer a single hex you know to the target, and give that target the ability to use the hex. The transferred hex's variable characteristics function according to your level, not the level of the recipient. Only a creature with Intelligence and Wisdom scores of at least 9 can receive this effect. To use this hex, the target must be able to speak and move freely. Once it uses the hex, the spell ends [though any effects of the hex still last for the full duration]. You can transfer only a hex-not a major or grand hex-with this ability. Once you cast imbue hex, you cannot use the transferred hex until the spell is discharged, dispelled, or dismissed.
Source:  ACO p.31
Target Area:   Creature touched; see text
Caster Level:   10
DC: 24
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 11 hours [D]
Rng: Medium (210 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  Project your soul into a creature's body.
Source:  OA p.180
Target Area:   One creature
Caster Level:   11
DC: 24
Save: Fortitude partial
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 rounds
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy, AirSchool
Effect:  This spell extracts the air from the target's lungs, causing swift suffocation. The target can attempt to resist this spell's effects with a Fortitude save-if he succeeds, he is merely staggered for 1 round as he gasps for breath. If the target fails, he immediately begins to suffocate. On the target's next turn, he falls unconscious and is reduced to 0 hit points. One round later, the target drops to -1 hit points and is dying. One round after that, the target dies. Each round, the target can delay that round's effects from occurring by making a successful Fortitude save, but the spell effect continues for 3 rounds, and each time a target fails his Fortitude save, he moves one step further along the track to suffocation. This spell only affects living creatures that must breathe. It is impossible to defeat the effects of this spell by simply holding one's breath-if the victim fails the initial saving throw, the air in his lungs is extracted.
Source:  APG p.248
Target Area:   one living creature
Caster Level:   11
Summon Monster V
Save: None
Time: 1 round
Duration: 10 rounds [D]
Rng: Close (50 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F/DF
SR: No
School: Conjuration, AirSchool, EarthSchool, FireSchool, WaterSchool
Effect:  This spell functions like summon monster I, except that you can summon one creature from the 5th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 4th-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from a lower-level list.
Source:  CR p.352
Target Area:   One summoned creature
Caster Level:   10
Waves of Fatigue
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: 30 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
Effect:  Waves of negative energy render all living creatures in the spell's area fatigued. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already fatigued.
Source:  CR p.368
Target Area:   Cone-shaped burst
Caster Level:   11
DC: 22
Save: None and Will negates (object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Personal and touch
Comp: V
SR: No and yes (object)
School: Conjuration, VoidElementalSchool
Effect:  This spell instantly transports you to a designated destination, which may be as distant as 100 miles per caster level. Interplanar travel is not possible. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed your maximum load. You may also bring one additional willing Medium or smaller creature [carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load] or its equivalent per three caster levels. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as four Medium creatures, and so forth. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you. As with all spells where the range is personal and the target is you, you need not make a saving throw, nor is spell resistance applicable to you. Only objects held or in use [attended] by another person receive saving throws and spell resistance. You must have some clear idea of the location and layout of the destination. The clearer your mental image, the more likely the teleportation works. Areas of strong physical or magical energy may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible. To see how well the teleportation works, roll d% and consult the table at the end of this spell. Refer to the following information for definitions of the terms on the table. Familiarity: "Very familiar" is a place where you have been very often and where you feel at home. "Studied carefully" is a place you know well, either because you can currently physically see it or you've been there often. "Seen casually" is a place that you have seen more than once but with which you are not very familiar. "Viewed once" is a place that you have seen once, possibly using magic such as scrying. "False destination" is a place that does not truly exist or if you are teleporting to an otherwise familiar location that no longer exists as such or has been so completely altered as to no longer be familiar to you. When traveling to a false destination, roll 1d20+80 to obtain results on the table, rather than rolling d%, since there is no real destination for you to hope to arrive at or even be off target from. On Target: You appear where you want to be. Off Target: You appear safely a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is d % of the distance that was to be traveled. The direction off target is determined randomly. Similar Area: You wind up in an area that's visually or thematically similar to the target area. Generally, you appear in the closest similar place within range. If no such area exists within the spell's range, the spell simply fails instead. Mishap: You and anyone else teleporting with you have gotten "scrambled." You each take 1d10 points of damage, and you reroll on the chart to see where you wind up. For these rerolls, roll 1d20+80. Each time "Mishap" comes up, the characters take more damage and must reroll. [Table not included]
Source:  CR p.358
Target Area:   You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures
Caster Level:   10
* = Domain/Specialty Spell

Created using PCGen 6.07.03-dev on 14 juil. 2017
Player: Vincent; Character Name: Cerise
Racial Innate
At Will Feather Fall (DC:18)
Levitate (DC:)
☐☐☐ Touch of Fatigue (DC:12)

Wayfinder Spells
At Will Light (DC:)

Created using PCGen 6.07.03-dev on 14 juil. 2017
Player: Vincent; Character Name: Cerise
* = Domain/Specialty Spell

Created using PCGen 6.07.03-dev on 14 juil. 2017
Player: Vincent; Character Name: Cerise
Prepared Spells
Level 0
Detect Magic (DC:)
Detect Poison (DC:)
Guidance (DC:17)
Stabilize (DC:17)
Level 1
Burning Hands (DC:18)
Hex Ward (DC:18)
☐☐ Mage Armor (DC:18)
Remove Sickness (DC:18)
Unbreakable Heart (DC:18)
Level 2
Blindness/Deafness (DC:21)
Eldritch Conduit (DC:19)
False Life (DC:)
Glitterdust (DC:19)
Merge with Familiar (DC:19)
See Invisibility (DC:)
Level 3
Dispel Magic (DC:)
Heroism (DC:20)
Lightning Bolt (DC:20)
Speak with Dead (DC:22)
Haste (DC:20)
Level 4
Conditional Curse (DC:23)
Divination (DC:)
False Life, Greater (DC:)
Threefold Aspect (DC:)
Level 5
Duplicate Familiar (DC:22)
Suffocation (DC:24)
Summon Monster V (DC:)
* = Domain/Specialty Spell

Created using PCGen 6.07.03-dev on 14 juil. 2017
Player: Vincent; Character Name: Cerise
Cerise's portrait
Half-Elf (Taldan)
5' 11"
110 lbs.
Jade Green
Cherry Red strands, red haired
long, lightly curled




A normal sized half-elven woman with cherry red hair and bright green eyes. She has a bit long face, wearing light make-up. She wears earth toned clothes: a light green robe and little brown bags.

A dagger is sheated on her belt, along her spell component pouch; she has a couple scroll case on her belt.

From Andoran. ,

Born in Fusil, Andoran, a small town in the woods.


The name of the character and the familiar comes from this song:

Created using PCGen 6.07.03-dev on 14 juil. 2017
Player: Vincent; Character Name: Cerise

From advanced class origins, feat hex spell (maybe)


Soothsayer hex : good way to prepare a fight (and some other uses too) [evil eye hex, fortune hex, misfortune hex, or retribution major hex]

Ameliorating: Not bad. Can be cast as prevention.


Major Hexes


Major Ameliorating

Regenerative Sinew



Feats: maybe Spirit’s Gift (from ACG) Unfethered Familiar ?

Cool items to buy

Cloak of Displacement (minor: 24,000 gp)


? Reservoir Tatoo (10,000 gp): on/off switch for a spell. good for minutes or round spells (haste, no need to target self). good for UMD spells (no need for a check in middle of combat). But only 1/day

Spell tatoo? (cost of scroll ×4, but no move action to get out). For example stabilize cantrip: 50 gp to use once.


Corset of Dire Witchcraft: Price 22,000 gp; +4 armor bonus to AC. increase a hex by +2 caster level each day (=+1 DC). Body. (+4 bracers are 16,000 GP)

Witching Gown Price 35,000 gp. (AP 47) +4 resistance to save, +4 competence to Intim, Bluff, Diplo. Can help disguise. Store a spell that will target next person to hit the witch. Body. (+4 cloak of resistance is 16,000 gp)

Bottled Misfortune: one use poison with hex. 500 gp, one use.

Apple of Eternal Sleep + spell to force use of an item 2,500 gp


Staff of the Master (30,000 gp Ray of enfeeblement, spectral hand, vampiric touch, can use wearer’s feat for more charges)

can also use metamagic feats for 1 charge per spell level. quicken spectral hands (5 charges) + vampiric touch (2)

(or less good, Staff of curses (43,500 gp))


For familiar:

Amulet of Natural Armor

From advanced class guide, some rod on hexes


Raise Animal Companion Scroll ? (1000 GP +

DC 25 Spellcraft to Decipher (or read Magic)

UMD to use scroll (as if on spell list) 29 (11+)


Magic dagger ?

wand of lightning bolt (20 charges; 4,500 gp, limit 1)

CS 22 wand of false life 6 charges

Spells to get

Storm Step from Blood of the Elements (not legal due to add ressource typo)


6th - True Seeing, Raise Dead, Legend Lore, Greater Dispel Magic


Faiths and Philosophies

6th- Source Severance



6th - Unwilling Shield


Inner Sea Magic

6th - Eldricht Conduit Greater



2 – Spectral Hand?? (only +2 to touch)

3 – Vampiric Touch? (touch!), Water Walk?

5 — Feeblemind? (touch?)


Inner Sea Magic

5 – Siphon Magic (touch!)



3— Healing Thief (touch!)

5– Summoner Conduit


PFS Primer

3– Collaborative Thaumaturgy?



4 greater thundercloud

Blood Armor ?

5- Feast on Fear (problem is 9HD limit)

6 - Banshee Blast


Magic Toolbox

Spellcurse, flexile curse, irregular sie, itching curse, kali…, Lost Legacy

5th – Alaznist’s Jinx


Familiar Folio


5th Greater Callback ?



6th - Balance of Suffering (harm 1, heal a living or damage an undead)


Ultimate Intrigue

1st - Aphasia

Conjure Carriage 3

Deadman’s Contengency 4

Insect Spies 4

Open Book 3

Pack Empathy 3

Prognostication 6 (not PFS legal?)


Magical Marketplace

5 Blood Boil



1 Linked Legacy

4 Aroden spellsword

5 Mask from Divination

Crossed Boons



Urban Tenacity: Your work is never done, and a near-death experience is never enough to keep you down. As an immediate action when you are reduced to negative hit points and dying, you automatically stabilize. If you use this ability while in the community you chose as part of the Attuned to the Citysong boon, you also receive a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for the remainder of the encounter. Once you use this boon, cross it off the Chronicle sheet.